Speaking out loud will help to improve your English speaking fluency and will make it easier for you to remember new vocabulary.
This bonus episode provides interactive speaking practice for the words and phrases you learnt in Episode #81 Talking about changing habits
Don't be shy - just try!
In this dialogue, we have phrases that are useful before voting:
I’m a little nervous about going to the polls. Voting here is so different from back home. In The Philippines, you vote for who you like and that’s it. Here, you have to rank the candidates.
Good on ya for researching the pollies. You’ll do fine. Just remember that you’ll be filling out two ballot papers today.
One for the Senate and one for the House, yeah? I heard in the news that the incumbent in our electorate is a shoo-in.
Yeah, that’s what I heard too. Well, let’s see if that’s true. You know what I’m looking forward to after the elections? No more political mudslinging!
This dialogue has phrases you can use after voting:
You’ve exercised your right to vote, Lily! How do you feel now?
I feel great! My vote matters. I feel very proud that I have voted.
Well, it can take up to 10 days for votes to get counted. But you know what we can do now? We can go get a democracy sausage at the sausage sizzle
Learn the meanings of the phrases used in this dialogue:

#81 Talking about elections | Voting in Australia
SBS English
Credit: Paul Nicholson and Lily O'Sullivan voiced the characters of Allan and Claire and Professor Lynda Yates was our educational consultant.