Find your motivation and learn through experience: the best way to learn the Filipino language

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'My students prefer to learn outside the classroom. We go to Filipino restaurants and events where they can learn by experience. Do not limit it to intentional learning, sometimes learning outside the classroom can be more effective and makes learning more relatable and fun.' Aila Maniago Leanard on teaching Filipino Language Credit: SBS Filipino

'The best way to learn a language is through lived experience' says Filipino Language Teacher, Aila Maniago Lenard.

Key Points
  • Learning should not be limited to intentional learning or inside the classroom.
  • Exposure to the language is key, sorround your self with people who speak the language.
  • Make a concious effort to speak in Filipino to the stundet if if the reply in English.
As a teacher, it is important to inculcate interest. What is the purpose of learning the language? If your purpose is to travel as a tourist, you do not need to focus too much on grammar. Learning basic conversation and proper pronunciation is most important.
Aila Maniago Leanard - Filipino Language Teacher


Australian soldiers on learning Filipino and rediscovering their Filipino culture

SBS Filipino


Aussie soldiers learning a new skill: Speaking, reading and writing in Filipino image

Aussie soldiers learning a new skill: Speaking, reading and writing in Filipino

SBS Filipino

