'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on! What are the three major steps?

Professor Joseph Lo Bianco.

Professor Joseph Lo Bianco. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou

'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on! What are the three major steps? Professor Joseph Lo Bianco on SBS Greek.

'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on! What are the three major steps? image

Αναβίωση της Ελληνικής γλώσσας! Σε εφαρμογή το πρόγραμμα «Φάρος»

SBS Greek

'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on.
'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on.
'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Anita Kolaitis: President of Modern Greek Teachears' Association of Victoria (MGTAV) and a key member of Pharos Working Party.
Anita Kolaitis: President of Modern Greek Teachears' Association of Victoria (MGTAV) and a key member of Pharos Working Party. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Nick Bisley is the Dean and Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of International Relations.
Nick Bisley is the Dean and Head of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of International Relations. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on.
'Pharos': The Modern Greek Strategic Plan is on. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Joseph Lo Bianco is Professor of Language and Literacy Educationat the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne.
Joseph Lo Bianco is Professor of Language and Literacy Educationat the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
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