World Alzheimer's Day: Understanding the disease and how to care for people with dementia

MRI image of brain showing area of Alzheimer patient.

MRI image of brain showing area of Alzheimer patient. Source: Getty Images/GSO Images

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. It damages the brain cells, thinking skills and the ability to carry out simple tasks. On World Alzheimer's Day, Melbourne-based neurologist Dr Sanjay Raghav explains the disease and gives simple tips for carers to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia.

Listen to the podcast - Dr Sanjay Raghav explaining the Alzhiemer's disease -

World Alzheimer's Day: Understanding the disease and how to care for people with dementia  image

World Alzheimer's Day: Understanding the disease and how to care for people with dementia

SBS Hindi


Note: We would like to inform you that the information expressed in this interview is of general nature. This information may not be appropriate for your personal circumstances - contact your GP or specialist for a clear advice on your situation.


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