Tej ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
- Tej supermarkets yeej siv ib co tswv yim uas tej zaum yuav ua rau peb tau siv nyiaj ntau yuav khoom noj.
- Raws li tau muaj ib cov kev tshuaj ntsuam zej tsoom cov kev tawm tswv yim tsis ntev los no ces kuj pom tau tias muaj neeg Australia coob heev tsis muaj peev xwm txheeb tau tias ib yam khoom twg uas tej tuam txhab qhia tias muag txo nqe no puas yog yam khoom pheej yig dua tiag.
- Muaj ib tug kws hais tias cov kev paub txog tej khw no tej tswv yim no muaj peev xwm pab kom peb tsis txhob tau siv nyiaj ntau los yuav khoom noj khoom haus.
Yeej muaj neeg Australia coob heev tsis tshua muaj peev xwm them tej nqe yuav khoom noj thiab txawm tej nqe mus los yuav khoom ntawm tej khw supermarket no xwb los tej zaum kuj yuav ua rau tej neeg siv nyiaj ze txog txheeb dollar thiab.
Qhov tseeb tiag ces tej nqe nrab uas yuav khoom noj ib limtiam twg yeej raug txij li ntawm $78 - $210 tsuas nyob rau ntawm seb yus mus yuav lub khw twg, thiab raws li lub koom haum Finder hais ces yeej muaj txhua txhua ob tug neeg ntawm tsib tug twg uas tau koom cov kev teeb txheeb yeej qhia tias cov kev mus yuav tej khoom noj ntawm tej supermarket mas yog ib co kev siv nyiaj uas ua rau lawv muaj txoj kev nyuaj siab tshaj plaws ntawm lwm cov.
Txawm tias qee yam laj thawj ntawm lub teb chaws no ces twb vim yog tej nqe zaub mov tau nces kim tuaj ntxiv txog li 3.8 feem pua, thiab tej supermarket los yeej siv ib co tswv yim uas tej zaum pheej ua kom tej neeg yuav khoom siv haj yam siv nyiaj ntau tshaj qhov tsim nyog siv thiab.
(Tej supermarkets) yeej muaj ntau yam ua rau tej neeg yuav khoom siv pheej yuav tau nyob ntev ntawm tej khw no kom lawv siv nyiaj ntau ntxiv.Professor Nitika Garg from the University of New South Wales' School of Marketing.
Tej supermarkets siv tej tswv yim dab tsi?
Tej khw supermarkets los yeej zoo tib yam li lwm cov khw muag khoom me uas yeej tau siv ntau yam tswv yim ua kom tej neeg yuav koom siv kub siab txog thiab kom muaj fwj chim rau tej khoom uas lawv yuav txiav txim siab yuav ntawd. Thiab yog yus yuav tau lawm tsis txaus siab coj rov qab mus pauv dua tshiab los yog thim nyiaj ntawd kuj yog ib lub tswv yim ntawm ntau lub.
Ntawm ntau lub supermarkets ces tej zaub mov noj li ib txwm noj li tej mis, tej mov mog, tej mis khov, txiv xyoob txiv ntoo thiab zaub ces yeej tso sib nrug ntawm ib co rau lwm cov — txhais tias yuav yuam kom tej neeg yuav khoom siv yuav tau taug kev deb zog mas thiaj mus yuav tau tej khoom ntawd.
Thiab tej khoom tso ze yus qhov muag uas pom tau yooj yim ces yeej yog tej khoom muag kim dua.
Thiab tej khoom noj txom ncauj los yog tej khoom haus uas muag txo nqe pheej yig li tej dej qab zib, chocolate thiab tej qos yaj ywm kib los yog tej mov mog nkig ces feem ntau ces yeej tso rau tom kawg ntwm tej seem kev thiab tso rau ntu nruab nrab ntawm tej khoom noj uas tej neeg yeej yuav tas mus li.
Lawv yeej xav kom koj mus xyuas txhua yam khoom ntawm lawv lub khw kom ntau npaum li ntau tau.Professor Nitika Garg from the University of New South Wales' School of Marketing.
Taws li tau muaj ib cov kev teeb txheeb ntawm lub koom haum KDM Financial uas yog ib lub tuam txhab ua cov financial planing ces kuj tau txheeb tau tias 62 feem pua ntawm tej neeg mus yuav khoom ntawd ces yeej yuav tej khoom tsis tsim nyog yuav thaum lawv tseem tab tom yuav ib yam khoom hauv ib lub khw.
Tej supermarkets los kuj tau siv suab thiab lwm yam kom tej neeg tsis txhob maj thaum lawv thaum mus yuav khoom.
Piv txwv li [tej supermarkets] ... yeej muaj lawv ntau cov tshooj tso nkauj (yas suab) rau tej neeg mloog, thiab lawv yeej ua tib zoo xyuas kom tso tau tej nkauj no haum rau ib co caij twg, ib hnub twg ntawm lub xyoo tsi ntsees pab kom tej neeg yuav khoom mus qeeb zog los yog mus nrawm zog raws li qhov lawv xav tau thiab npaj tias yuav teeb khoom li cas muag ntawm lawv lub khw, raws li Garg tau qhia.
Puas yog cov kev txo nqe muag yog pheej yog yog muag tus nqe pheej yig tiag?
Muaj ob yam tseem ceeb ntawm tej kev muag pheej yig uas tej neeg yuav koom siv pom ntawm tej khw supermarkets.
Thawj yam ces yog cov first 'locked-in deals' uas yeej los daim ntawv liab rau thiab yeej muag tus nqe li ntawd rau ib co hnub tsi ntsees twg kiag. Hos lwm cov ces yog 'store deals' uas suv cov promotions li yog yuav ib qho ces tau ib qho dawb.
Tej khoom muag txo nqe ces yeej ib txwm yog cov khoom tsis tshua tau muag — uas yog tej khoom uas tsuas muag raws tus nqe los yog tseem muag qes dua tus nqe muag kom muaj tej neeg tshiab yuav. Ces tej txiv xyoob txiv ntoo thiab tej zaub thiaj poob rau kis no, uas yog ib co paj tshab txhawb siab kom tej neeg yuav kom ntau ntxiv.
"Ces tej thaum peb thiaj lam tau lam khaws tej yam khoom vim peb xav tias, 'Vuag, uas cas yuav pheej yig ua luaj li los sis yog tej zaum peb pheej xav tias tsim nyog tus nqe lawm, ces cia yus yuav kiag tsam tag kis hos yuav tsis tau pheej yig tag kis ntxiv lawm!''
Thiab raws li lub koom haum CHOICE hais ces tej neeg Australia feem coob .
Lub koom haum no yeej tau ua ib co kev teeb txheeb nrog tej neeg coob tshaj 1,000 tus uas tau muab 9 daim duab lo cov cim lagluam ntawm tej supermarkets li Coles, Woolworths, thiab Aldi uas sau cov sob lus sib txawv li 'low price', 'down down', thiab 'super savers'.
Ces mam li nug tej neeg no tias seb puas yog lawv xav tias tej nqe lo rau ntawm tej khoom muag ntawd puas yog tus nqe txo pheej yig tiag, thiab puas muaj peevxwm qhia tau sai sai kiag thiab yooj yooj yim kiag. Ces lub koom haum CHOICE tau txheeb tau tias ''yeej ua rau tej neeg no yoog thiab tsis to tau zoo txog tej no li'', thiab yeej muaj tej neeg no coob heev yeej ntseeg yuam kev tias , los yog yeej tsis paub tias xyov yog txo nqe los tsis txo li.
Yog tej yam nyuaj kawg rau tej neeg tsis muaj sij hawm/tsis tshua khoom, los yog tej yim neeg uas tseem tu tej me nyuam me, uas lawv tsis tshua muaj sij hawm txheeb tej supermarkets tej nqe muag khoom thiab tsis muaj tej xov xwm los pab lawv cov kev txiav tsim siab yuav khoom tias yuav cov twg tus nqe tsim nyog yuav dua.Senior campaigns and policy advisor of CHOICE, Bea Sherwood.
Thiab kuj tau muaj ib tug kis ntawm lub tuam txhab Coles tau qhia rau SBS News tias "Nws yeej tau npaj ntau yam'' coj los pab tej customers ''kom yuav tau tej khoom tsim nyog raws li tus nqe'', thiab Woolworths tus kis los kuj tau hais tias ''nws lub khw los yeej tau kub siab heev ua hauj lwm'' los qhia txog tej nqe muag khoom ''kom pom tej nqe tseeb tseeb thiab tej nqe uas raug tiag''.
Tej yam uas koj tsim nyog nco yog koj mus yuav khoom lwm zaus
Ib txoj xub ke yooj yim tshaj plaws uas yuav pab tiv thaiv kom koj tsis txhob tau siv nyiaj ntau tshaj tej koj npaj yuav siv ces yog yuav tsum sau ib daig list tias yuav tej khoom dab tsi xwb, thiab tsuas yuav tej koj sau rau daim list ntawm nkaus xwb, thiab yus yuav t sum mus txheeb kiag ntawm yus tus kheej thaum pom ib yam khoom dab tsi raug muag txo nqe tias puas yog muag pheej yig tiag tiag.

Professor Nitika Garg ntwm tsev kawm qib siab University of New South Wales (UNSW) hais tias yog tej yam tseem ceeb uas tej neeg yuav khoom yuav tau nug yus tus kheej tias tej khoom muag tus nqe pheej yig uas yus yuav ntawd yus puas yuav siv tiag. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch
Garg tau hais tias "Yus tsis tas yuav chocolate li, thiab yus tsis tas yuav tej dej qab zib li, tab sis yog thaum lawv pheej coj los haub tau yaum (advertised) ces tej zaum yus kuj pheej yuav thiab...''
Nws thiaj hais ntxiv tias qhov tseem ceeb ces yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo txheeb kom yus paub txog tej khw supermarkets tej tswv yim thiab kom yus nco ntsoov txog tej tswv yim no thaum yus tseem tab tom tsham khw.
"Yus yuav tsum tau kub siab tiag tiag tias yus khaws dab tsi tso rau hauv pob tawb thiab vim li cas thiaj khaws yam khoom ntawd. Kuv yeej paub tias yeej yog tej yam ua rau yus ib nyuag nyuaj siab me ntsis, tab sis tej no yog tej yus yuav tsum tau ua yog tias yus xav txuag nyiaj tiag.''
Thiab yog tias koj xav paub txog ntau zaj xov xwm ntawm cov xov xwm – uas yog ib co xov xwm kaw ua suab tshiab ntawm SBS (Ua lus Askiv) uas txheeb txog tias seb tej neeg yuav khoom siv ho muaj peev xwm pab txuag nyiaj li cas nrog ib tug kws uas paub zoo txog ib sab seem twg, tsis hais cov tej supermarket mus txog rau tej nqe ntiav tsev, tej txiaj ntsim ntawm tej zaub mov noj mus txog rau tej nqe roj thiab ntau yam, los yog kawm kom paub txog tej tswv yim uas tej lagluam pheej siv ua kom yus siv nyiaj ntau, thiab qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ces seb yus ho muaj peev xwm ua tau dab tsi coj los pab yus kom siv nyiaj tsawg dua.
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