Nyob rau lub ntuj muaj internet siv uas pab kom peb yeej muaj peev xwm sib cuag tau mus los yooj yim dua nrog lwm tus neeg tshaj qub no, tej neeg yeej muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau kev lomzem, xov xwm, kawm txuj kawm ci thiab yuav khoom siv los yog ua tau yuav laug txhua yam ntawm peb tej vaj tse yam tsis tas tawm mus qhov twg lawm.
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Nrog xyuas kom tej me nyuam tau txais kev nyab xeeb hauv online
Vim tej teej kawm feem coob yeej qhia ntawv hauv online thiab tej tub kawm los yuav tau kawm ntawv tom tsev lawm xwb, thiaj yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev uas tej niam txiv yuav tsum tau paub txog tej tej xwm txheej phom sij ntau yam yuav muaj tau rau yus tej me nyuam rau lub caij lawv mus siv internet, hais tsi ntsees rau cov kev sib thab sib zes (cyberbullying), cov kev raug neeg phem tham thiab muaj lub hom phiaj xav deev lawv mus txog rau raug cov neeg phem haub ntxias kom mus ua dab tsi txhaum cai.
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Lub app hu ua yeej muaj rau tej neeg siv txog li 17 hom lus uas yeej muaj lub Arabic, Somali, Chinese, Hindi, Turkish thiab Vietnamese nrog tib si.
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CyberParent yuav pab qhia lawv kom totaub thiab lawv yuav tsum tau ua dab tsi thiaj yuav pov puag kom lawv tej me nyuam tau txais kev nyab xeeb, txawm lawv yuav paub siv los yog tsis paub siv tej internet no tias yuav siv li cas li.
Lub koom haum no yeej tau sab laj nrog tej koom haum zejzog 50 lub thiab in cov koom haum kom muaj peev xwm siv tau lub app no coj los ua ib cov kev kawm thiab kev sib qhia thiab muaj cov kev taw qhia tias yuav siv internet li cas thiaj yuav tau txais kev nyab xeeb.
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Duas ntawm tej teeb meem phoj sij yuav muaj tau rau tej me nyuam thaum siv internet lawm los, tej laus kuj yuav tau ceev faj rau tej twj lawv siv sib cuag nrog lwm tus thaum lawv mus siv world wide web nrog thiab.
Raws li lub koom haum tswj tej lagluam cov kev sib tw lagluam thiab pov puag tej neeg yuav khoom siv (Australia Competition and Consumer Commission-ACCC) tau qhia, thawj thawj 3 lub hlis ntawm xyoo 2020 no xwb neeg Australia twb raug neeg phem ntxias dag poob nyiaj thaum mus siv internet lawm, tej neeg phem no yuav xa cov ntawv them nqe cuav, yuav tsim cov kev muag khoom yuav khoom cuav kom yus mus siv thiab lawv yuav nyiab siv yus lub cim thawj (identity) mus ua lwm yam txhaum cai.
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Yog peb tham txog txoj kev ua lub neej tiag tiag lawm ces, yog tias muaj ib yam dab tsi hasi dha tshaj qhov muaj tseeb tiag lawm ces tej zaum yeej yuav yog ib lub tom txwv lwm tus siv los ntxias dag yus xwb.
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Yeej tau muaj neeg siv ntau roob (Millions) daim credit card them nqe los yog yuav khoom hauv online txhua txhua hnub.
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Andy White uas yog tus coj lub koom haum APN thiaj hais tias yuav tsum yog tag nrho sawv daws los koom tes ua ke mas thiaj yuav tiv thaiv tau kom tej neeg txhob nyiag coj lwm tus neeg cov credit card coj mus siv lawm, tsis hais yuav yog xyuas kom tag nrho tej lagluam muaj feem koom uas suav cov neeg mus yuav khoom siv hauv online ntawd nrog tib si thiab.
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Andy White tshab txhais tias cov malwar thiab cov ntawv emails, tej xo los yog cov kev haub tau yaum uas xa tuaj ntxias dag yus ntawd mas sib chab sib chaw heev li lawm, yog tias yus tsis paub tus neeg xa tuaj ntawd ces kom txhob mus qhib thiab mus nyem rau los yog txhob qhib tej ntaub ntawv uas lawv ua ke nrog tsab email tuaj rau yus ntawd, muab lwv pov tseg thiab xav kom tsis txhob qhia yus tus password rau ib tug neeg twg kiag li.
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Xyuas kom koj lub computer tau txais kev ruaj ntseg
Koj muaj peev xwm sab laj nrog tej neeg paub txog cov hauj lwm pov puag tej computer kom tau txais kev ruaj ntseg, tsis hais yog tej chaw muag computer, thiab tsuas pub tus password qhib lub computer rau tsawg tsawg tus neeg thiaj siv tau xwb los yog yuav tsum xav seb puas siv ib cov hardware firewall coj los pov puag yus li server.
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Tsis tas li no los xav kom yuav tsum siv cov sofware tshiab thiab siv cov virus protection tshiab los pov puag yus lub computer thiab.
Nrog xyuas kom cov kev txuas internet rau yus siv tau txais kev ruaj ntseg
Vim yus cov internet yog ib txoj xub ke uas ntiaj teb yuav muaj peev xwm nkag tau mus rau yus lub computer. Yog tias koj tsis xyuas kom tau txais kev ruaj ntseg rau koj lub computer ces tej zaum yeej yuav muaj ib tug twg xav siv koj cov internet connection nyiag nkag mus rau koj lub computer mus nyiag koj tej xov xwm los yog siv koj lub computer mus ua lwm yam homphiaj tau.
Yog li ntawd yeej muaj ntau txoj xub ke uas koj muaj peev xwm pov puag tau koj cov internet connection no piv txwv li hloov tus password kom qhib tau koj cov internet connection los yog qhib tau koj lub computer siv, thiab ua tib zoo xyuas kom txhob muaj neeg nyo lwm qhov muaj peev xwm cia li qhib thiab siv tau koj cov internet connection los yog nyiag siv tau koj lub computer thiab yuav tsum muab cov remote management setting no kaw.
Tsis txhob qhia koj tus passworld rau lwm tus neeg
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Yog li koj tus password ntawd yuav tsum yog tus muaj cov zauv xyaw nrog cov niam ntawv thiab ib cov cim sib xyaw ua ke kom ntau tshaj 8 tus mas thiaj zoo.
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Nco ntsoov hloov koj tus password tshiab coj los siv tas mus li rau txhua txhua cov account uas koj siv ntawd tsis tas li no los yuav tsum tau khaws koj tej password thiab cov pin rau ib qho chaw tau txais kev nyab xeeb uas tsis muaj neeg nrhiav tau coj los siv.
Tsis txhob download tau ntaub ntawv los yog xov xwm los ntawm tej vassab uas yus tsis paub zoo coj los siv
Ua ke no los tsis txhob qhib tej text, cov windows uas pheej muaj neeg xa tuaj rau yus thaum yus mus siv lub vas sab ntawd, los yog tej emails uas lwm tus neeg yus tsis paub xa tuaj rau yus-thiab qhov zoo tshaj plaws mas xav kom muab lwv pov tseg yuav yog ib lub tswv yim zoo tshaj plaws.
Pov puag koj tej mobile device
Yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev uas yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo xyuas kom tau txais kev ruaj ntseg rau cov kev sib yus tej mobile device (Smart phone, tablets, iPad, etc) txhua lub sij hawm.
Vim rau qhov yog tias kom tej twj no mobile device no yog thaum pawv lawm los yog raug lwm tus nyiag lawm ces yuav tej neeg tau koj tej twj ntawd yuav siv tej xov xwm ntawm tej twj no mus siv koj tej nyiaj thiab siv koj lub cim thawj.
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Koj yuav tsum kub siab pov puag koj tej xov xwm ntiag tug tib yam li pov puag koj tej nyiaj txiaj-tsis txhob cia nyob pawg lug ntawm tej uas lwm tus muaj peev xwm coj mus siv tau yooj yim.
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Raws li Nigel Phair uas yog ib tug cyber-crime expert ntawm tsev kawm qib siab University of Canberra tau qhia ces tej neeg uas nyiag tau los yog khaws tau yus tej mobile devices yuav siv tej xov xwm ntawm tej twj no coj mus siv ua yus lub cim thawj mus qev nyiaj siv, mus thov credit card siv thiab mus siv yus cov bank account, mus thov nyiaj welfare siv ces tej zaum yuav ua rau yus muaj teeb meem tsis zoo rau yus cov credit rating.
Vim feem ntau tej neeg sawv daws yeej tsis paub txog li tias yuav muaj tau tej teeb meem phem li no tshwm sim tau rau lawv li txog rau thaum twb muaj tej xwm txheej ua rau lawv tau cov bad credit rating uas tej txhab nyiaj tsis kam qev nyiaj rau lawv siv lawm xwb
Yuav nrhiav kev pab cuam li cas?
Lub koom haum tswj tej lagluam cov kev sib tw thiab pov puag tej neeg yuav khoom siv txoj cai (The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission -ACCC) yog ib qho chaw zoo uas koj xub pib nrhiav tau kev pab cuam.
Lawv yeej muaj tej xov xwm tshiab qhia txog cov kev raug neeg phem ntxias dag uas tau muaj ntawm teb chaws Australia no thiab lawv yeej tau teev tej xov xwm no thiab coj tej xov xwm no los cej luam (tshaj tawm) qhia rau sawv daws paub.
Ntawm nod yog thiab ib cov vassab tseem ceeb uas ACCC tau npaj tseg los qhia kom koj nkag siab, kom paub txog thiab pab kom koj txhob raug neeg phem dag uas koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau.
Yog tias koj ntseeg tias tej zaum muaj neeg paub txog koj tej xov xwm ntiag tug lawm, losyog coj mus siv ua txhaum cai lawm ces xav kom koj hu nrog lub koom haum Office of the Australian Information tus xov tooj 1300 363 992 thov kev pab cuam tau.
Tsis tas li no los xav kom koj nco qab ntsoov mus txheeb xyuas tej teeb meem uas tau tsim teebmeem rau tej thiab.