Admitting that he wanted to be a saxophonist and become like Kenny G, Ivan Paulus determined to pursue a higher education in music in Sydney.
But when he arrived in the country in 1995, Ivan was sidetraked by his friends' persuasion and went to study business instead.
29 years later, in addition to being a Vice President of one of Australia big companies, Ivan also manages several other businesses. But being a professional in business world doesn't stop him to pursue what he's passionate about.
Business is a vehicle to do what I'm passionate about.Ivan Paulus - Businessman and saxophonist
From someone who had no background in conventional music education, Ivan Paulus released two singles together with renowned musicians such as Indra Lesmana and Tohpati in 2024.
What is the story of Ivan Paulus's journey to release the singles? How did he finally able to achieve this dream?
Listen to SBS Indonesian's interview with Ivan Paulus.

'Business as vehicle': How this entrepreneur achieved his dream of being saxophonist and recording artist
SBS Indonesian