Ep.147: Il notiziario di SBS Italian

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (right) arrives to a press conference in Melbourne, Thursday, February 4, 2021

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (right) arrives to a press conference in Melbourne, Thursday, February 4, 2021 Source: AAP

Il giornale radio di SBS Italian, letto lentamente.


Australia, restrizioni reintrodotte nel Victoria, dopo un caso di positività al COVID-19 di un addetto alla quarantena degli hotel

Condizioni pericolose per i vigili del fuoco che combattono un incendio fuori controllo nel Western Australia. 


Un impiegato nella quaranteena degli hotel è risultato positivo al Covid-19 nel Victoria, spingendo il governo statale a reintrodurre restrizioni più severe da oggi.

Il 26enne da Noble Park era impiegato come funzionario a sostegno degli ospiti come parte del programma di quarantena degli Australian Open.

Era risultato negativo al termine del suo ultimo turno al Grand Hayatt il 29 gennaio, risultando positivo e sviluppando sintomi alcuni giorni più tardi.

Le nuove restrizioni includono il limite ai raduni all'interno fissato a 15 persone e la reintroduzione delle mascherine obbligatorie al coperto, mentre il piano di rientro al lavoro al 75 per cento previsto per lunedi 7 febbraio verrà messo in pausa.

Il premier Daniel Andrews ha invitato gli abitanti del Victoria a rimanere calmi e a effettuare i tamponi.

"This is one case. There's no need for people to panic. There's no need for people to be alarmed. We Victorians know what to do, and we have proven, as a state, very successful at managing these sorts of outbreaks, these sorts of issues or outbreaks."


L'emergenza incendi del Western Australia si è intensificata, con un cambiamento del vento che sta spingendo le fiamme contro ulteriori abitazioni.

Più di 70 case sono state distrutte a nord-est di Perth, e si teme che il numero possa crescere.
L'incendio di Wooroloo ha già arso quasi 10mila ettari di terreno.

Il vice commissario del Dipartimento degli Incendi e dei Servizi d'Emergenza Creig Waters ha dichiarato che le condizioni lo stanno rendendo molto difficile da controllare.

"We have seen spotting activity 3.5 kilometres ahead of the main head fire, so we just want to make sure the community is well prepared and they are fully up to date with the current warnings. I think the location of the fire burning uphill is extremely challenging for our firefighters. They are fatigued, they've been out there for days on days now. The cooler changes coming in for the rest of the week should assist."

Il governo federale sta offrendo un rimborso una tantum ai proprietari delle residenze coinvolti di 1000 dollari per adulto e 400 per bambino attraverso il suo programma di ripristino di emergenza.

Il primo ministro Scott Morrison ha dichiarato in parlamento che i vigili del fuoco stanno combattendo senza sosta contro le fiamme.

"The fires have burned through over 9400 hectares. Thankfully at this point no lives have been lost and no one is believed to be unaccounted for and for that we are deeply grateful."


Il primo ministro Scott Morrison si è distanziato dal parlamentare liberale Craig Kelly, che ha pubblicato informazioni controverse sul coronavirus.

Kelly mercoledì si è incontrato con Morrison a proposito della sua pubblicazione online di farmaci non approvati e sulla sua disputa con la laburista Tanya Plibersek.

Morrison ha dichiarato al parlamento che la posizione di Kelly non è in linea con la sua o con le avvertenze sul COVID-19 che vengono dal direttore sanitario.

"I made it very clear that was the view of me as Prime Minister and of course the views of the government. Vaccination is critical. It is our primary responsibility this year as we continue to respond to the pandemic."


Restrictions reinstated in Victoria, after a hotel quarantine worker tested positive to COVID-19

Dangerous conditions for firefighters battling an out-of-control blaze in Western Australia


A hotel quarantine worker has tested positive for COVID-19 in Victoria, causing the state government to reintroduce tighter restrictions from today.

The 26-year-old man from Noble Park had been working as a resident support officer as part of the Australian Open quarantine program.

He returned a negative result at the end of his last shift at the Grand Hyatt on the 29th of January, testing positive after developing symptoms days later.

The new restrictions include indoor gathering limits being capped at 15 and the reintroduction of mandatory mask use in indoor settings, while the 75 per cent return to work plan that was scheduled for Monday February 7 will be paused.

Premier Daniel Andrews is urging Victorians to remain calm and to get tested.

"This is one case. There's no need for people to panic. There's no need for people to be alarmed. We Victorians know what to do, and we have proven, as a state, very successful at managing these sorts of outbreaks, these sorts of issues or outbreaks."


Western Australia's bushfire emergency has intensified with a change of wind pushing flames towards more houses.

More than 70 homes have been destroyed north-east of Perth, and it's feared that number will rise.

The Wooroloo fire has now burnt almost 10,000 hectares of land.

Department of Fire and Emergency Services Deputy Commissioner, Craig Waters, says conditions are making it very difficult to control.

"We have seen spotting activity 3.5 kilometres ahead of the main head fire, so we just want to make sure the community is well prepared and they are fully up to date with the current warnings. I think the location of the fire burning uphill is extremely challenging for our firefighters. They are fatigued, they've been out there for days on days now. The cooler changes coming in for the rest of the week should assist."

The federal government is offering one-off payments to affected property owners, of $1000 per adult and $400 per child, through its disaster recovery program.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told Parliament fire-fighters are working around the clock.

"The fires have burned through over 9400 hectares. Thankfully at this point no lives have been lost and no one is believed to be unaccounted for and for that we are deeply grateful."


Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison has distanced himself from Liberal MP Craig Kelly who has published controversial information about coronavirus.

Mr Kelly met with Mr Morrison on Wednesday over the posting of unapproved drugs online and over his stand-off with Labor's Tanya Plibersek.

Mr Morrison has told Parliament Mr Kelly's views don't align with his or the advice about COVID-19 from the chief medical officer.

"I made it very clear that was the view of me as Prime Minister and of course the views of the government. Vaccination is critical. It is our primary responsibility this year as we continue to respond to the pandemic."

Report by Nicola Canning 
