Ep.167: Il notiziario di SBS Italian

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian takes quesstions from journalists at a media conference.

NSW Başbakanı Gladys Berejiklian basın toplantısında. Source: SBS

Il giornale radio di SBS Italian, letto lentamente.


** Il ministro dell’agricoltura del New South Wales è risultato positivo al COVID-19, mentre le autorità continuano ad indagare sui casi misteriosi 

** Un tribunale respinge la richiesta della donna cilena Adriana Rivas di revocare la sua estradizione in Cile


Il focolaio di COVID-19 di Sydney si è insinuato all’interno del parlamento del New South Wales.

Il ministro statale dell’agricoltura Adam Marshall è risultato positivo al COVID-19. 

Verrà concesso l’ingresso al parlamento del NSW solo a 16 parlamentari, mentre è stato comunicato alla maggior parte dei parlamentari della Coalizione di non presentarsi. 

Marshall ha dichiarato che potrebbe aver contratto il virus mentre era a cena nel sito a rischio esposizione Christo's Pizza a Paddington lunedì sera, insieme ad altri tre parlamentari. 

Il giorno successivo Marshall si è recato in parlamento. 

La notizia segue l’auto-isolamento del ministro della sanità Brad Hazzardm dopo essere stato identificato come contatto ravvicinato. 

Hazzard ha dichiarato che c’è la possibilità che venga chiesto di isolarsi ad altri membri dello staff del parlamento del New South Wales e che l’edificio possa venire chiuso temporaneamente per pulirlo accuratamente. 

"I think that is likely. I would imagine that majority of people will be casual contacts or perhaps no contact at all. It is a big place. I think the premier is fairly safe. There will be more numbers. The premier and I, if NSW Health allows me to do it, will do the usual announcement at 11am. I expect the premier to do it if I, at that stage, am not able to do it. We can expect more numbers but I don't think they will be dramatic, but we will see how it plays out."


La premier del New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian ha ammonito che un lockdown statale o della città rimane una opzione di risposta pubblica sanitaria. 

Al momento la sfida principale per New South Wales Health è investigare la sorgente delle infezioni non collegate tra loro, mentre le autorità faticano a contenere il focolaio. 

Il cluster di Bondi è salito a 31 casi a seguito di una festa di compleanno che i funzionari sanitari hanno definito come un evento super infettivo. 

Il primo ministro Scott Morrison ha dichiarato di essere preoccupato, ma ha lodato la risposta del governo statale al focolaio. 

"Well obviously concerned but also very confident in the ability of the NSW government which they've demonstrated time and again in dealing with these situations. I commend premier Berejiklian for resisting going into a full lockdown. Australia has got not one person in an intensive care unit (ICU) today because of covid. The virus is insidious and it will find points of weakness but I know the NSW government will continue to back their processes." 


Una donna di Sydney, Adriana Rivas non è riuscita a revocare la sua estradizione in Cile. 

I suoi avvocati hanno presentato un appello di fronte al Tribunale Federale, ma la giudice Wendy Abraham giovedì ha respinto la sua richiesta di una revisione. 

La quasi settantenne Adriana Rivas è rimasta in carcere dal momento del suo arresto operato dalla polizia del New South Wales nel febbraio 2019, a seguito di una richiesta dal Cile per la sua estradizione. 

È accusata di essere un ex agente della polizia del Cile e di essere stata coinvolta nel rapimento di sette persone negli anni ’70, durante la dittatura militare di Augusto Pinochet. 

Nell’ottobre dell’anno scorso, un magistrate di Sydney ha respinto le contestazioni del suo team legale e deliberato che ci fossero i requisiti per l’estradizione. 


** The New South Wales Agriculture Minister tests positive to COVID-19, as authorities investigate mystery cases  

** A court rejects Chilean woman Adriana Rivas’ request to overturn her extradition to Chile 


Sydney's COVID-19 outbreak has seeped into New South Wales Parliament. 

The state's Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall has tested positive to COVID-19. 

Only 16 MPs will be allowed into NSW Parliament, and most state Coalition MPs have been told not attend. 

Mr Marshall says he may have contracted the virus while dining at exposure site Christo's Pizza shop in Paddington on Monday night with three other MPs.

The next day Mr Marshall was at Parliament House. 

It comes as the state's Health Minister Brad Hazzard self-isolates after being identified as a close contact. 

Mr Hazzard says there is a possibility that other staff members at New South Wales Parliament House will be asked to get tested, and the building may be required to be shut down for a period of time for a deep clean. 

"I think that is likely. I would imagine that majority of people will be casual contacts or perhaps no contact at all. It is a big place. I think the premier is fairly safe. There will be more numbers. The premier and I, if NSW Health allows me to do it, will do the usual announcement at 11am. I expect the premier to do it if I, at that stage, am not able to do it. We can expect more numbers but I don't think they will be dramatic, but we will see how it plays out."


New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian has warned a state or city-wide lockdown remains a public health response option. 

New South Wales Health's major challenge now is investigating the source of un-linked infections, as authorities struggle to contain a coronavirus outbreak. 

The Bondi cluster rose to 31 cases following a birthday party health officials described as a super-spreader event. 

Speaking to the Nine Network, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he is concerned, but praises the state government response to the outbreak. 

"Well obviously concerned but also very confident in the ability of the NSW government which they've demonstrated time and again in dealing with these situations. I commend premier Berejiklian for resisting going into a full lockdown. Australia has got not one person in an intensive care unit (ICU) today because of covid. The virus is insidious and it will find points of weakness but I know the NSW government will continue to back their processes." 

Sydney woman Adriana Rivas has failed to overturn her extradition to Chile. 

Her lawyers challenged the magistrate's decision in the Federal Court, but Justice Wendy Abraham on Thursday dismissed her application for a review. 

Adriana Rivas, aged in her late 60s, has been in custody since her arrest by New South Wales police in February 2019 following a request from Chile for her extradition. 

She is accused of being a former operative for Chile's police and being involved in the kidnapping of seven people in the 1970's, during the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. 

In October last year, a Sydney magistrate dismissed her legal team's objections and ruled she was eligible for extradition.
