Ep.171: Il notiziario di SBS Italian

Woman looking out of window at sunset

Source: Digital Vision

Il giornale radio di SBS Italian, letto lentamente.


** Il New South Wales registra 239 nuovi casi locali di COVID-19, mentre sei milioni nella Greater Sydney si trovano ad affrontare un altro mese di lockdown 

** L’Inghilterra permetterà ai viaggiatori dagli Stati Uniti e Unione Europea, che sono completamente vaccinati contro il COVID, di entrare senza quarantena.


Il New South Wales ha registrato oggi 239 nuovi casi di COVID-19, mentre sei milioni di persone nella Greater Sydney si trovano ad affrontare altre quattro settimane in lockdown fino al 28 di agosto.

È il più alto numero di infezioni che lo Stato ha scoperto in 24 ore. 

L’origine delle infezioni di 126 casi è sotto investigazione e solo 81 persone si trovavano in isolamento per l’intera durata del periodo infettivo. 

La premier Gladys Berejiklian ha dichiarato che i residenti delle 8 aree a rischio di Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown e Georges River non avranno il permesso di viaggiare per più di 5 chilometri da casa. 

"So it doesn't matter what the reason is, unless there are exceptional circumstances, you have to make sure you do not move within a 5km radius of your home. It doesn't matter if it's for shopping, or other exercising that you're allowed to leave the house for, you can't move beyond a 5km radium and that includes singles bubbles. If you want to have a singles bubble in an LGA of concern you cannot move within 5km of where you live." 

La Berejiklian ha inoltre affermato che chi vive in queste aree deve indossare la mascherina in ogni momento, indipendentemente da dove vadano, a partire dalla mezzanotte di domani. 

Le multe per i trasgressori aumenteranno da $200 a $500.


Una nuova serie di misure di sostegno economico per il COVID-19 è stata introdotta nel New South Wales dal primo ministro Scott Morrison, per aiutare a colmare il divario creatosi con il lockdown nella Greater Sydney. 

I lavoratori che hanno perso più di 20 ore riceveranno $750, mentre $450 andranno a chi ha perso tra le 8 e le 20 ore. 

Morrison ha dichiarato al Today Show di Channel Nine che aiuti ulteriori sono in arrivo dalla prossima settimana. 

"From next Tuesday, you can make an application for your welfare payment to access that $200. That goes on top of your pension or JobSeeker payment, parenting payment or youth allowance and that just gives further support as we go into a second month of these lockdowns in Sydney but 400 million and  more already in people's bank accounts, giving support to more than 400,000 people across NSW." 

Ieri il NSW ha registrato 177 infezioni da COVID-19 locali.


L’Inghilterra permetterà ai viaggiatori dagli Stati Uniti e dall’Unione Europea, completamente vaccinati per il coronavirus, di entrare nel Paese senza bisogno di quarantena. 

Le nuove regole entreranno in vigore dalle 4am di lunedì 2 agosto. 

Il governo scozzese ha annunciato che da lunedì il cambiamento alle regole si applicherà ai visitatori della Scozia totalmente vaccinati dall’Unione Europea e dagli Stati Uniti. 

I ministri dell’Irlanda del Nord decideranno la loro posizione sul cambiamento durante l’incontro di giovedì dell’esecutivo condiviso che detiene il potere.         


** New South Wales records 239 new local cases of COVID-19, as six million people in Greater Sydney face another month in lockdown

** England to allow travellers from the United States and European Union, who are fully vaccinated against COVID, to enter without quarantining


New South Wales has recorded 239 new local cases of COVID-19 today, as six million people in Greater Sydney face another four weeks in lockdown until August 28. 

It's the highest number the state has ever detected in 24 hours. 

The source of infection of 126 cases is under investigation and only 81 were in isolation for their entire infectious period. 

Premier Gladys Berejiklian says residents in the 8 local government areas of concern of Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown, Liverpool, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown and George's River, will not be allowed to travel more than 5 kilometres from home. 

"So it doesn't matter what the reason is, unless there are exceptional circumstances, you have to make sure you do not move within a 5km radius of your home. It doesn't matter if it's for shopping, or other exercising that you're allowed to leave the house for, you can't move beyond a 5km radium and that includes singles bubbles. If you want to have a singles bubble in an LGA of concern you cannot move within 5km of where you live." 

Ms Berejiklian also says those living in these LGAs must wear a mask at all times, no matter where they go, from midnight tomorrow.

Penalties for that will increase from $200 to $500.


A new round of COVID-19 economic support has been introduced in New South Wales by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, to help bridge the gap caused by the Greater Sydney lockdown. 

Workers who have lost more than 20 hours will receive $750, and $450 will go to those who have lost between 8 and 20 hours. 

Mr Morrison told Channel Nine's The Today Show that even more help is on the way, next week. 

"From next Tuesday, you can make an application for your welfare payment to access that $200. That goes on top of your pension or JobSeeker payment, parenting payment or youth allowance and that just gives further support as we go into a second month of these lockdowns in Sydney but 400 million and  more already in people's bank accounts, giving support to more than 400,000 people across NSW." 

Yesterday, NSW recorded 177 local COVID-19 infections. 


England is to allow travellers from the United States and European Union, who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus to enter without the need to quarantine.                  

The new rules will be in place from 4am on Monday August 2.                                   

The Scottish Government has announced the rule change will apply to fully vaccinated EU and US visitors to Scotland from Monday.                                  

Ministers in Northern Ireland will consider their position on the change at Thursday's meeting of the powersharing executive.
