Ep.179: Il notiziario di SBS Italian

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg addresses the media during a press conference at his electoral office in Hawthorn East, Melbourne, Wednesday, September 29, 2021. (AAP Image/James Ross) NO ARCHIVING

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg at his electoral office in Hawthorn East, Melbourne. Source: AAP

Il giornale radio di SBS Italian, letto lentamente.


** Il governo federale giustifica la sua riduzione dei contributi di sostegno COVID-19 per i lavoratori e le imprese 

 ** Il Victoria individua un numero record di casi di coronavirus giovedì e cinque ulteriori decessi


Il ministro del Tesoro Josh Frydenberg ha sottolineato l’importanza della apertura dell’Australia, mentre il governo inizia la transizione dai sussidi di sostegno. 

I fondi d’emergenza COVID-19 per i lavoratori che hanno perso le loro occupazioni e i sussidi per le imprese cesseranno una volta che l’80% della popolazione sarà completamente vaccinato.

Frydenberg ha dichiarato che la decisione di terminare i sussidi è basata su consulenze economiche e sanitarie ed ha invitato gli Stati a mettere fine ai lockdown causati dal COVID-19. 

"Our expectation is by the time the COVID disaster payment has ended and the business support payment have ended we will be up for a bill of more than $20 billion, that is what we are expecting. And so the cost to the taxpayer continues to rise from the economic impact of the lockdown." 


Il Victoria ha individuato un numero record di casi giornalieri di coronavirus, quasi 1500 nuove infezioni nella giornata di giovedì e cinque decessi ulteriori. 

Lo Stato ha registrato 1438 casi acquisiti localmente di coronavirus da oltre 65mila tamponi per il COVID-19 effettuati nelle ultime 24 ore. 

Il premier Daniel Andrews ha dichiarato che si tratta di oltre il 50% di aumento rispetto ai numeri giornalieri di mercoledì, aggiungendo che molti casi si sarebbero potuti evitare. 

"Many hundreds of people, perhaps 1000s of people indeed have made some choices that meant they are spending time not in their own home but perhaps someone else's home and that is how we know this virus spreads." 


La premier del Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk ha dichiarato che i tamponi e le vaccinazioni per il COVID-19 devono aumentare per poter fermare la diffusione di un focolaio di coronavirus in tutto lo Stato. 

Lo Stato ha registrato sei nuovi casi acquisiti localmente di COVID-19, con quattro infezioni collegate ad un cluster all’interno dell’industria dell’aviazione. 

Palaszczuk ha dichiarato che da questo pomeriggio entreranno in vigore restrizioni di livello due per due settimane, che includono limiti al numero di visitatori per casa. 

"These new restrictions commencing from 4pm today for two weeks will apply to Brisbane, Gold Coast, Moreton Bay, Logan, Townsville and Palm Island because we had that pilot who flew into Townsville." 



**  The federal government justifies its reduction in COVID-19 support payments for workers and businesses 

 **  Victoria detects a record number of coronavirus cases on Thursday and five more fatalities 


Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has emphasised the importance of Australia opening up as the government transitions away from support payments. 

COVID-19 disaster funds for workers who lost their jobs and business support payments will stop once 80 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated. 

Mr Frydenberg says the end of the payment decision is based on the economics and health advice and he is urging the states to end COVID-19 lockdowns. 

"Our expectation is by the time the COVID disaster payment has ended and the business support payment have ended we will be up for a bill of more than $20 billion, that is what we are expecting. And so the cost to the taxpayer continues to rise from the economic impact of the lockdown." 


Victoria has detected a record number of daily coronavirus cases, almost 1500 new infections on Thursday and five more deaths.

The state recorded 1438 locally acquired coronavirus cases from more than 65 000 COVID-19 tests over the past 24 hours. 

Premier Daniel Andrews says it is more than a 50 per cent increase on Wednesday's daily number, adding that many cases could have been avoided. 

"Many hundreds of people, perhaps 1000s of people indeed have made some choices that meant they are spending time not in their own home but perhaps someone else's home and that is how we know this virus spreads." 


Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says COVID-19 testing and vaccinations need to increase to stop a coronavirus outbreak from spreading across the state. 

The state has recorded six new local COVID-19 cases, with four infections linked to a cluster from within the aviation industry. 

Ms Palaszczuk says from this afternoon stage two restrictions will apply for a fortnight including limits for home visitors. 

"These new restrictions commencing from 4pm today for two weeks will apply to Brisbane, Gold Coast, Moreton Bay, Logan, Townsville and Palm Island because we had that pilot who flew into Townsville."

Report by Peggy Giakoumelos  
