** Il premier del Victoria difende la sua decisione di cancellare l’organizzazione dei Commonwealth Games 2026
** Il governo federale annuncia riforme maggiori per il settore dell’istruzione
Il premier del Victoria Daniel Andrews ha annunciato un fondo edilizio per i lavoratori da 150 milioni di dollari per il Victoria regionale.
L’investimento mira ad aiutare il bilanciamento delle perdite dovute alla cancellazione dei Commonwealth Games del 2026.
L’evento avrebbe dovuto svolgersi in cinque aree regionali del Victoria, ma il governo martedì ha dichiarato che il costo è aumentato da una stima originaria di 2,6 miliardi a sei/sette miliardi.
Andrews ha dichiarato che non intende scusarsi per la cancellazione dei Giochi perché il governo non può giustificare i costi crescenti.
"The key point here is we are not just about making easy decisions or popular decisions, you've got to do what's right and at six, seven billion dollars, that event just doesn't stack up. What however is important and what is a profound investment in the future of rural and regional Victoria is to get on and deliver each and every one of the legacy items, and indeed go beyond what was going to be the legacy benefits from the Commonwealth Games. "
Al momento nessun Stato o Territorio ha espresso interesse ad ospitare l’evento.
Intanto, il leader dell’opposizione John Pesutto, ha chiesto che la cancellazione dei Commonwealth Games da parte del governo Andrews venga indagate dal revisore generale dello Stato.
L’opposizione ha dichiarato che la consultazione si concentrerà sul perché la stima iniziale dei costi di 2,6 miliardi sia cresciuta a 6-7 miliardi.
Pesutto sostiene che la scelta del governo di non ospitare l’evento abbia danneggiato non solo lo Stato ma l’Australia intera nel palcoscenico internazionale.
"Today, given the debacle around the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games, my deputy David Southwick, and I have written to Victoria's Auditor General, asking the auditor general's office to investigate the debacle into the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. How much has been spent on it? How much will Victorians now be on the hook for the cancellation of the games? We estimate on the information we have to hand so far, that it's got to be somewhere between a billion and $2 billion all wasted "
Il governo federale creerà fino a 20 ulteriori centri di ricerca universitaria regionale come parte delle riforme del sistema universitario dell’Australia.
Progetta inoltre di abolire la regola del 50 per cento per la promozione, che ha un impatto negativo sugli student provenienti da background indigenti o regionali.
Le riforme fanno parte delle raccomandazioni contenute nel rapporto provvisorio per un accordo sulle università.
Il rapporto stima che il 55 per cento dei lavori australiani potrebbe richiedere un titolo universitario entro il 2050 e raccomanda cambiamenti coraggiosi e a lungo termine per rispondere alle sfide incombenti.
Il ministro dell’istruzione Jason Clare ritiene che se l’Australia vuole essere pronta ai lavori del futuro, deve iniziare ad attirare più studenti da comunità diverse nelle università.
"And what this report argues is that the only way to really do this is to significantly increase the number of university students from our outer suburbs, and the regions, students from poor backgrounds, students with a disability and indigenous students. If we don't, we won't have the skills and the economic firepower that we need to make this country, everything that can be in the years ahead. "
** Victoria's Premier defends his decision to cancel hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games
** The federal government announces major reforms for the Education sector
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced a $150-million workers accommodation fund for regional Victoria.
The investment is intended to help offset losses following the cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games.
The event was due to take place across five regional Victorian sites, but the government on Tuesday said the cost had risen from an original estimation of $2.6-billion to $6-billion -$7-billion.
Mr Andrews says he will not apologise for cancelling the Games because the government could not justify the increased cost.
"The key point here is we are not just about making easy decisions or popular decisions, you've got to do what's right and at six, seven billion dollars, that event just doesn't stack up. What however is important and what is a profound investment in the future of rural and regional Victoria is to get on and deliver each and every one of the legacy items, and indeed go beyond what was going to be the legacy benefits from the Commonwealth Games. "
So far, no state or territory has expressed interest in hosting the event.
Meanwhile, opposition leader John Pesutto, has called for the Andrews government’s cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games to be investigated by the state’s auditor-general.
The opposition said the referral would focus on why the initial cost estimate of $2.6bn grew to $6bn-$7bn.
Mr. Pesutto claims that the government's choice not to host the event has harmed not only the state, but Australia as a whole on the international stage.
"Today, given the debacle around the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games, my deputy David Southwick, and I have written to Victoria's Auditor General, asking the auditor general's office to investigate the debacle into the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. How much has been spent on it? How much will Victorians now be on the hook for the cancellation of the games? We estimate on the information we have to hand so far, that it's got to be somewhere between a billion and $2 billion all wasted "
The federal government is to establish up to 20 additional regional university study hubs as part of reforms to Australia's university system.
It also plans to abolish the 50 per cent pass rule, which has had a disproportionately negative impact on students from poor backgrounds and from the regions.
The reforms are among recommendations in the interim report into a Universities Accord.
The report estimates that 55 per cent of Australian jobs could require a university degree by 2050 and recommends bold, long-term change in order to meet the coming challenges.
Education minister Jason Clare believes if Australia is to be prepared for the jobs of the future, it has to start getting more students from diverse communities into university.
"And what this report argues is that the only way to really do this is to significantly increase the number of university students from our outer suburbs, and the regions, students from poor backgrounds, students with a disability and indigenous students. If we don't, we won't have the skills and the economic firepower that we need to make this country, everything that can be in the years ahead. "
Report by SBS News
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