Bringing the sound of Japan to Adelaide this weekend! Mr. Masaru Uesaka of OTAIKO Za Myojin

Credit: Raku Shimokawa

Otaiko Za Myojin, a group of Japanese traditional drum players will be performing at Womadelaide this year!

Listen to the full story on our podcast.

「明神」と名付けられた中央の大太鼓はなんと全長が2メートルもあるんだそう。すごいインパクト!Credit: Masaru Uesaka
Credit: Masaru Uesaka
Credit: Masaru Uesaka

Listen to SBS Japanese Audio on Tue, Thu and Fri from 1pm on SBS 3.
Replays from 10pm on Tue, Thu and Sat on SBS1.
Listen to past stories from our 
And don't forget to visit SBS Japanese page!
