Two different cultures with many similarities

Hatice Kamer with Sweden's indigenous people Samis

Source: Supplied by Hatice Kamer

A group of Kurdish writers visited the Sami region of Sweden as part of the 'Belongings' project, which was prepared in collaboration with the Amed Literature Centre and the Sami House.

Kurdish writers such as Sami Hezil, H.Kovan Baki, Dilawer Zeraq, Zeyneb Yaşsh and Hatice Kamer attended the seminar. There in the cities of Kiruna and Jokkmokk they listened to Sami experts and writers about their culture, language, literature and life of this indiginous people. Hatice Kamer has prepared this special report about the seminar and her paticipation in it.
Deer crossing road, Sweden
Source: Supplied by Hatice Kamer
Tradional Sami bags
Source: Supplied by Hatice Kamer
hunters and fishermen equipment
Source: Supplied by Hatice Kamer
