Bonus Practice: #80 Дадал зуршлаа өөрчлөх тухай ярьж сурах дадлага хичээл (Med)

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If something is (a) work in progress it is still being worked on, or it isn’t finished yet.

#80 хичээлийн ярианы дадлага

Speaking out loud will help to improve your English speaking fluency and will make it easier for you to remember new vocabulary.

This bonus episode provides interactive speaking practice for the words and phrases you learnt in Episode #81 Talking about changing habits

Don't be shy - just try!

How’s your new night-time routine going? Are you sleeping better?

Eh... it’s a work in progress. Old habits die hard, but I’m giving it my all. Scrolling on my phone in bed? That was the hardest to stop.

Oh, I hear you. So, how’s it working out so far?

Kind of okay. I’ve set a goal to read for 20 minutes before bed instead of doom-scrolling.

That’s a solid plan! Are you sticking to it?

Trying to, but I’ve had a few slip-ups. Still, I’m doing my best to stay consistent. I’m done with making excuses.

Slip-ups happen—it’s all part of the process.

Yeah, I’m learning to cut myself some slack and it’s making it easier to keep going even when things aren’t perfect.
Learn the meanings of the phrases used in this dialogue:
english_sbslearneng_pod_Ep 80 image

#80 Talking about changing habits (Med)

SBS English


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Credit: Paul Nicholson and Lily O'Sullivan voiced the characters of Allan and Claire and Professor Lynda Yates was our educational consultant.
