Key Points
- Rip currents гэж юу вэ
- Шар, улаан тугны хооронд сэлэх нь хамгийн аюулгүй бүс юм.
- Акулын заналхийлэл хаа сайгүй бий. Гэхдээ хамгаалах боломж бий.
- Далайн эргийн аюулаас хамгаалах олон төрлийн АПП-ууд байдаг.

water at Bondi Beach Sydney Australia looking dramatic at low tide with water swirling as swimmers and surfers enjoy summer day weather Source: Moment RF / Brendan Maher/Getty Images
- Stay calm and conserve your energy
- Raise your arm and call out for help
- Float with the current – it could return you to a shallow sandbank
- Swim parallel to the beach or towards the breaking waves to escape the rip.
But the best advice is to swim where it’s safe.

Untuk keselamatan Anda, dianjurkan untuk berenang di antara rambu-rambu peringatan keamanan di pantai Credit: Lee Hulsman/Getty Images

GOSFORD, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 13: North Avoca Beach is closed after a surfer was attacked by a shark on November 13, 2017 in Gosford, Australia. (Photo by Tony Feder/Getty Images) Credit: Tony Feder/Getty Images
Танд хэрэгтэй АПП-ууд:

A member of the Surf Life Savers takes part in a Search and Rescue operation at Port Beach in North Fremantle, Western Australia, Saturday November 6. 2021. Beaches have been closed amid fears of a shark attack near Perth, with a man reported missing. (AAP Image/Richard Wainwright) NO ARCHIVING Source: AAP / RICHARD WAINWRIGHT/AAPIMAGE

Оршин суух хөтөч: Австралийн Усны Аюулгүй Байдал
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