United Sikhs a non-profit organisation is affiliated with United Nations is well known for their work for all minority communities across the globe, not only the Sikhs.
In 1999 United Sikhs approached Mejindarpal Kaur in UK to expand its services outside United States and from then on, this organization has established its offices in 10 nations throughout world. United Sikhs prides in providing legal services, education & empowerment and humanitarian services.
Mejindarpal Kaur, a trained legal professional says that the word Sikhs is only mentioned in the name as a parent body but the services that United Sikhs provide is for all human beings irrespective of colour, cast of creed. Not only they have fought legal battle for Turbans, Kirpan but also they have provided relief services to communities like Rohingya. She cites many examples from history where Sikhs have always stood out for the rights of others. For example when head gear ban was imposed in France, it was small Sikh community (app 20,000) who took the matter to courts while many other major communities like Muslims (app 5 million) didn’t challenge the decision at that time. However, the case won by Sikhs to wear Patkas in schools, equally benefitted other minority communities facing similar issue. Similarly, another case fought by them in Melbourne’s Sidak Singh has brought relief to other communities. Not only Sidak has been accepted by the same school for next year but the school has also accepted symbols and values of other religions as well.
Mejindarpal Kaur, relents that communities don’t help / donate for legal matters whereas communities generously help langars, keertan darbars etc. To fight a case in a totally new country is very challenging due to laws of the land, and language etc. The international body, the Lawyer’s Alliance is approached by United Sikhs and they chip in their services in legal matters.
Currently, United Sikhs is helping with a cycling body in India who are denied participation in a cycling event. In recent past, they have fought similar cases in France and China where Sikhs were denied permission to build a Guruduara.
Mejindarpal Kaur is visiting Australia to attend ‘Sikh Youth Australia’s’ family camp in Sydney as well as Khalsa Camp where she will be facilitating on Mai Bhago and Sri Guru Teg Bahadar Ji’s shaheedi. Besides these events, she will be brainstorming with the community on the possibilities of getting helmet exemption for the Sikh bicycle riders in NSW.
Born and raised in Malaysia, Mejindarpal Kaur got strong ties with Punjabi through her mother who was a Punjabi teacher and stressed that her family should converse in Punjabi and Punjabi alone.

United Sikhs fighting for basic human rights of minority communities Source: Mejindarpal Kaur