A recent search conducted by the Police at Phillip Island didn't reveal anything - and the whole case is still shrouded in mystery. In a recent interview with SBS Punjabi program though, the Senior Detective Sergeant of Victoria Police assigned to this case mentioned that Shiva is "probably deceased", and that the "Police have a good idea about what happened". But no charges have been laid so far.
Detective Senior Sgt Boris Buick also appealed to the Afghani community to come forth with any fresh evidence, because of Shiva's relationship with a young woman of Afghani origin "which may have" contributed to Shiva's disappearance. Following on from that interview, we have spoken to Shiva's older brother, Dinesh, to find out how the Chauhan family is coping in India, 10 months after Shiva's disappearance.
Dinesh said that his family firmly believes that Shiva is still alive. They refuse to believe otherwise. He told us, everytime the phone rings with a +61 caller id, we hope it is Shiva calling. He pleaded with SBS listeners for any information on Shivas whereabouts, and also spoke to Manpreet K Singh quite openly about allegations of Shiva's relationship with a girl from the Afghani community, possible visa complications, and other possible marriage. Here is the podcast of this interview, as broadcast on SBS Punjabi program on Thursday, March 5, 2015.