Key Points
- Amata i le su'esu'eina o tului i nonogatupe.
- O se tupe faamau (deposit) i le va o le 5 ma le 20 pasene e tele ina mana'omia muamua.
- Siaki fesoasoani mai le malo i le faatuina o fale e te ono mauaina.
O le faatauina o se fale se tasi o meatotino aupito sili ona taua e faatauina e se tagata i lona soifuaga.
Ma o le malamalama i vaega e te filifili iai ma le faagaioiga o le maketi o nonogatupe mo mokesi o fale, e fesoasoani tele i le fuafuaina o le tau (budget).
E tele itulau i le 'upega tafa'ilagi a le malo (setete ma le malo tele) e amata ona e su'esu'eina ai le faagasologa o le faatuga o fale i Ausetalia.
Auala e faagaioia ai le maketi
o se itulau i le 'upega tafa'ilagi a le Malo Tele e maua atu ai faamatalaga mo tagata e fia faatau se fale. E faamaopoopoina e le Komisi, le Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
O Andrew Dadswell le pule faatonu o le Consumer Communications at ASIC.
![Australia Explained: Home Loans](
Applying with a friend or partner could maximise your chances in getting approved for a home loan, due to combined incomes. Source: Moment RF / Maria Korneeva/Getty Images
“Because you have it for such a long period of time - home loans can be 25 or 30 years in length - even a small amount of difference in the interest rate you pay can add up to thousands of dollars over the course of your loan.”
When it comes to comparing home loans, the key thing is to shop around and do your research.Andrew Dadswell, Senior Manager of Consumer Communications, ASIC.
E taua tele lou silafia o le tului le interest rate o loo iai i le taimi nei.
Asiasi i le tool a le Moneysmart e te maua ai nei faamatalaga ma e faaaogaina faamatalaga ia i le taimi e feutaga'i ai sau nonogatupe ma le faletupe poo le tagata faatau mokesi se mortgage broker, saunoa ai Mr Dadswell.
![Australia Explained: Home Loans](
In variable rate home loans, your interest rate changes when the bank decides, which is usually influenced by the official cash rate set by the Reserve Bank of Australia, Mr Dadswell explains. Source: Moment RF / Traceydee Photography/Getty Images
O fea e iai lau faamuamua?
E taua fo'i ona e silafia vaega e 'ave iai lau faamuamua.
O lau faamuamua o le nono o le aofa'i aupito maualuga ae gafatia e au tupe maua ona totogi? Poo le mauaina o le tului aupito taugofie? Poo le taliaina o lau talosaga mo se nonogatupe pe a faamalieina uma aiaiga?
Pe masalo o vaega uma o loo lisi atu i luga. O nonogatupe mo fale i Ausetalia e fesuisui'ai le maketi, ae lua lava itu'aiga nonogatupe mo fale i Ausetalia - o le tului faamau, (fixed rate) ma le tului fesuisuia'i (variable rate).
“One of the advantages of a fixed rate loan is you know exactly what your repayments will be each fortnight or each month. But it does mean if interest rates go down, you might lose out on that benefit,” saunoa ai Mr Dadswell.
Ae poo le a le itu'aiga nonogatupe poo le tului e te filifilia, e tatau ona muamua tele se aofa'i o sau tupe e sefe - i le va o le 5 ma le 20 pasene o le mokesi.
“You need a deposit of at least five per cent, but ideally up to 20 per cent, which shows that you've got money to afford to have a mortgage.
“The higher you can save and pay for out of your own money, the less you have to borrow from a bank.”
![Australia Explained: Home Loans](
The exact conditions of each home loan on the market may vary. And the amount of information can get overwhelming and confusing. Source: Moment RF / Richard Newstead/Getty Images
“So many people say ‘oh, but I'm not rich, I can't possibly approach a financial adviser'. That's not necessarily true, but there's also other avenues.
“A mortgage broker, for example, because they can advise you on the steps that you need to take that are suited to your finances.”
Ae 'aua e te faalagolago i le faletupe poo le faatau mokesi, le broker, e ta'u atua ia te 'oe le aofa'i e tatau ona e talosaga iai i sau nonogatupe.
“It’s really important to go and have a look at the numbers yourself, because of what we've seen in the last two years, 13 [Reserve Bank of Australia] RBA rate rises, four of which were double,” Ms Tindall.
O se tasi o vaega o lau talosaga i se nonogatupe e faatau ai se fale, o le tapa lea e le faletupe o ni molimau o le tulaga o au tupe maua ma aseta, latou te iloiloina ai lou mafaia ona toe totogi le nonogatupe.
![Australia Explained: Home Loans](
Common evidence for your home loan application includes pay slips, bank statements, evidence of any assets and debts or liabilities, your savings and credit history. Source: Moment RF / d3sign/Getty Images
Taliaina (pre-approval) ma faatau mokesi
E ui e le o se tulaga e tatau ona faamalieina i le faatauga o fale, ae mafai e se tagata o loo fuafua e faatau sona fale ona talosaga e muamua talia sana talosaga mo se mokesi pe pre-approved.
O lona uiga, ua faaalia e le faletupe lana maliega e nono atu se vaegatupe mo le tau o se fale faatau. E ui e le o se ta'utinoga mautu, ae avatu ai se ata i lou tulaga i lou mafaia ona totogi se nonogatupe.
E iai le taimi faatapula'aina o maliega nei i pre-approval loans, e tele lava ina i totonu mai o se 3 masina.
“It's always worth within that three-month timeline… if you've had a change in circumstances in terms of employment, or if the RBA fires off another rate hike, you might want to go back to your bank and just double-check the maximum borrowing capacity they're likely to agree to,” Ms Tindall.
![Australia Explained: Home Loans](
There are well over 100 lenders in the Australian market, including banks, credit unions, and other authorised institutions. Credit: courtneyk/Getty Images
Ae siaki muamua pe o se faatau mokesi ua resitaraina, iluga o lana itulau i le 'upega tafa'ilagi, se numera o lona laisene, ma o loo auai i faalapotopotoga le poo le .
E faalagolago lava i le mea o loo e aumau ai, e te ono mafai ona e mauaina fesoasoani mai malo setete/teritori.
E mafai fo'i ona e mauaina le , pe a faapea o lou fale muamua lea ua faatau i lalo o le First Home Guarantee.
![Australia Explained: Home Loans](
“For example, in Brisbane, the cap is $700,000. So, if you buy in a suburb like Coorparoo, which is close to the city, you can spend $700,000 and you only […] need a deposit of $35,000,” says Mr Samios. Credit: MoMo Productions/Getty Images
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