Intizar Husain – The last conversation of a literary icon

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Intizar Husain.jpg Source: Intizar Husain.jpg

Legendary Urdu writer and novelist Intizar Husain passed away on February 2, 2016, at 92. Just weeks before his passing, on January 10, he gave his final media interview to SBS Urdu, now preserved as an important archival resource for future researchers.

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Intizar Husain – The last conversation of a literary icon

SBS Urdu

A finalist for the prestigious Man Booker International Prize, Intizar Husain's literary contributions remain widely celebrated. Several of his works, including the renowned novel Basti, have been translated into English.

Over his lifetime, he authored five novels, published seven short story collections, and consistently wrote newspaper columns.
I am just a storyteller, weaving the harsh realities of life into words.
Writer Intizar Hussain
The executive producer of SBS Urdu Rehan Alavi recorded this last conversation during a personal meeting at Husain’s Lahore residence.
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