Marooned in the city: migrant doctor sails across flooded Hawkesbury, community heaves sigh of relief

Medical help for North Richmond during NSW flood

Dr Faris Kirmani (R) crossed the river by boat with NSW SES to reach stranded patients. Source: Supplied by Dr Faris Kirmani

‘Flooding in Sydney closed all land links and my patients were in pain,’ says Dr Faris Kirmani, who crossed the Hawkesbury River by boat with help from NSW SES to reach out to a stranded community in North Richmond.

Reaching the flood-stranded community of North Richmond in Sydney's northwest was far from easy on 23rd. March.

But NSW SES’s Hawkesbury Unit and Dr Faris Kirmani made it happen, only to provide relief to the local community which was cut off from the rest of Sydney.

Dr Kirmani is a GP who practices in Riverlands Dental Hawkesbury NSW.

He shares this unique experience with SBS Urdu.
Medical help during flood
Due to road and bridge closures, it seemed impossible to serve patients but Dr. Faris Kirmani was adamant to reach to the stranded community. Source: Dr Faris Kirmani/NSW The Hawkesbury State Emergency Service

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