Pink Walk Melbourne: Local Pakistani community raises awareness for breast cancer

Pink Walk Melbourne

Pink Walk organised by local Pakistani community to raise awareness for breast cancer. Source: Facebook

Pakistani community of Melbourne organised a Pink Walk on St Kilda beach to raise awareness for breast cancer.

The month of October is often referred to as Pinktober. The whole month is dedicated to raising awareness for breast cancer.

Numerous events are held around the world to spread awareness, promote a healthy life and wearing pink to support the fight against breast cancer. 

In 2019, it is estimated that 19,535 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer according to . Out of this, it is estimated that 3,090 people will die due to this cancer. 

To support the fight against this cancer and raise awareness the local Pakistani community organised a 'Pink Walk' over the weekend.
Pink Walk Melbourne
Human Ribbon at Pink Walk Melbourne. Photo by: Wasim Shahzad Source: Wasim Shahzad
Kids and adults all participated and completed a 4.5km round trip on St Kilda beach. Families then gathered around and heard speeches from health professionals and stories from cancer survivors including Pakistani actor Uzma Gillani. 

While addressing the crowd Uzama Gillani said "I was diagnosed with [breast cancer] in 1998. Temporarily it did feel like my life would be over. But I survived through it and am living a very happy life." said Ms Gillani

Listen to the full podcast to find out more. 
