After learning about the story of Ally Bahadur Khan, SBS Urdu reporter Afnan Malik began a search to find out what happened to him, and if Khan had any relatives alive in Australia.
The son of Ally Badhur sent a photograph to my father (of him) wearing a hat, perhaps a military uniform, in the year 1934.Mumtaz Malik
Using the letters and photos given to him by Ally's great nephew Mumtaz, Afnan uncovers clues about Khan's life in Australia, and gets closer to identifying his relatives.
Ayoub Bahadur Khan in his military uniform. Mumtaz described the same picture they received from Ayoub which they lost years ago. Source: Supplied / Mark McDiarmid
The Puzzle: Pakistani lawyer’s search for long-lost family in Australia
SBS Urdu
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