The Reunion: How two branches of a family were reunited after 120 years


After months spent searching for information about Ally Bahadur Khan and his descendants, reporter Afnan Malik finally has some answers. In the final episode of this story of the search for family lost across continents and generations, a 120 year old mystery is finally solved.

Someone's tapping on my shoulder again to say, 'come and look for me'.
Christine Eyres
After publishing a story about the search for Ally B Khan and his descendants led to new contacts, Afnan Malik travels to Brisbane to meet with the Australian branch of the family.
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Christine Eyers, descendent of Ally B Khan.
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Reporter Afnan Malik with Mark McDiamond, descendent of Ally B Khan
Afnan learns more about the life of Ally B Khan and connects the Australian branch of the family with Mumtaz in Pakistan.
I'm just glad I can die happy now knowing that my family found me
Lana Ali
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Funeral Notice of Ayoub, Ally B Khan's son.
This four-part podcast series follows reporter Afnan Malik as he helps Mumtaz in his search for the missing Australian branch of his family.

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The Reunion: How two branches of a family were reunited after 120 years

SBS Urdu


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