Two men are shown drinking from glasses or bottles, one with a foamy beverage and the other with a dark liquid. Both are wearing glasses.

A combined picture of Australian Opposition Peter Dutton (left) drinking a beer at the XXXX beer factory and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese drinking a Bunderberg Ginger Beer as the mark the first day of the campaign. Source: AAP / Mick Tsika / Lukas Coc

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Both leaders heckled as first day of campaigning begins in Brisbane - As it happened

Both Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton were heckled today during key campaign stops in Queensland.

Two men are shown drinking from glasses or bottles, one with a foamy beverage and the other with a dark liquid. Both are wearing glasses.

A combined picture of Australian Opposition Peter Dutton (left) drinking a beer at the XXXX beer factory and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese drinking a Bunderberg Ginger Beer as the mark the first day of the campaign. Source: AAP / Mick Tsika / Lukas Coc

Published 29 March 2025 8:52am
Updated 29 March 2025 6:45pm
Source: SBS News

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3 days ago29 Mar 6:38pm
Thanks for being with us. Here’s a recap of what unfolded on the first full day of the election campaign
We are concluding our coverage of the first full day of the election campaign. Here is everything you need to know about day two of campaigning:
  • Labor, the Coalition and the Greens have all kicked off their campaigns in Brisbane, where the Greens currently hold several marginal seats and all parties will be keen to gain ground.
  • Albanese's first stop was Peter Dutton's seat of Dickson, where the PM talked about the success of Labor's urgent care clinics to voters and warned about Medicare's destiny in a Coalition government, even though Peter Dutton has promised to match Labor's $8.5 billion plan for Medicare.
  • Albanese was heckled at his opening press conference in Dickson by an anti-immigration protester.
  • At his second campaign stop at the Bundaberg Brewery, Albanese said that there's been a 31 per cent drop in immigration.
  • During his press conference, Anthony Albanese said: "You can't govern a country with 150 independents."
  • Peter Dutton launched his campaign at the XXXX Brewery, located in his home electorate of Brisbane, asking the voters who they "trust to manage the economy?"
  • In response to an SBS reporter, he confirmed that the visa categories the Coalition would target to cut permanent migration by 25 per cent will be revealed prior to election day.
  • When asked about minority government, Dutton said that he has a "very good relationship with many" of the Independents.
All roads lead to Queensland on first full day of election campaigning image

All roads lead to Queensland on first full day of election campaigning

SBS News

  • The Opposition Leader travelled to Dickson, his own electorate, to attend a community morning tea after the PM’s visit and "received a hero's welcome from hundreds of hard core supporters".
  • Dutton dined in a Chinese restaurant in Brisbane and announced $225,000 for the Chinese Museum of Queensland. His event was once again gate-crashed by a Rising Tide protester..
  • The Greens also started their campaign in Brisbane, once again pledging to focus "on keeping Peter Dutton out".
— Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 5:33pm
From beers to protests: today's campaigns in photos
The first day of the election campaign is nearly over. It featured a gym, speeches, teas, breweries, succulent Chinese meals, and protests.

Here are some photos capturing the day so far:

Two men are shown drinking from glasses or bottles, one with a foamy beverage and the other with a dark liquid. Both are wearing glasses.
A combined picture of Australian Opposition Peter Dutton (left) drinking a beer at the XXXX beer factory and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese drinking a Bunderberg Ginger Beer as the mark the first day of the campaign. Source: AAP / Mick Tsika / Lukas Coc
Speaking at a press conference at the Murrumba Downs Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, Anthony Albanese is spruiking the success of Labor's urgent care clinics to voters. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch
A man in a suit embraces an older woman with white hair. A camera and microphone are visible in the background, suggesting a public event. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas
A man holds a pole as he is pushed back by another man.
A heckler interrupts Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as he speaks to the media during a press conference at a medicare urgent care clinic at Murrumba Downs in the electorate of Dickson on Day 1 of the 2025 federal election campaign, Brisbane, Saturday, March 29, 2025. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch
A protester confronted the Opposition Leader at a Chinese restaurant oin the seat of Morton in Brisbane. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas
A man in a suit and tie is holding up a small card while speaking. He is wearing glasses and has gray hair. A green backdrop is visible behind him.
Speaking at a press conference at Murrumba Downs Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, Albanese said: "At this election, this little card here, your Medicare card, is what is at stake. We know one of the big distinctions in Australian politics is Labor, which created Medicare and will strengthen Medicare." Source: AAP / Lukas Coch
Liberal leader Peter Dutton talked about the Opposition's plan to reduce fuel and gas prices at his first campaign sto. Source: AAP / Jono Searle
— Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 4:26pm
What is 'Rising Tide'? What to know about the group that that targeted Peter Dutton twice today
Peter Dutton's day on the election campaign trail was interrupted twice by a group called Rising Tide, first at the XXXX brewery in Brisbane and then at a Chinese restaurant in the electorate of Moreton. The group protested against the Opposition's nuclear and gas plans.

Rising Tide introduces itself as "one of the first grassroots climate groups in Australia".

"We are prepared to take whatever peaceful actions are within our power to defend the climate," the group says on its website.

Rising Tide organises protests and blockades to raise awareness about climate change and demand action.

Last year they held a on kayaks.

One of their members is who has been arrested protesting with the group.
A woman reacts with surprise as others surround her, some capturing the moment with their phones in a restaurant.
A protester confronts Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton at a Chinese community on day 1 of his 2025 Federal Election Campaign in the seat of Morton in Brisbane, Saturday, March 29, 2025. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas
Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 4:09pm
The Opposition leader promises to reduce energy prices
Peter Dutton concluded his election pitch at the XXXX brewery with promising to lower energy prices by the end of the year.

Dutton said the Coalition would release its model, which will show the plan will reduce power prices.

"I'm going to leave it to other experts in the space to talk about their analysis of our plan ... prices will be lower under us. There is no question about that," he said.

— Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 4:02pm
Labor pledges $10m community hub in Darwin if re-elected
The deputy prime minister, Richard Marles is also in Darwin today and gave a speech at the Zuccoli dog park.

He pledged $10 million to establish a community hub in Zuccoli.

"This will be a really important piece of social infrastructure for a growing part of Darwin," Marles said.

He was also asked about the 99-year lease of Port Darwin granted to the Chinese-owned Landbridge Group.

"The port should never have been leased in this way, and that’s been our position over a long period of time ... but ultimately the port of Darwin and its leasing is a matter between Landbridge and the Northern Territory government," he said.

"We keep engaging with the Northern Territory government on this issue."
3 days ago29 Mar 3:12pm
Dutton enjoys a succulent Chinese meal
The Opposition Leader has dined on yum cha in Brisbane and announced $225,000 for the Chinese Museum of Queensland.

Last election, the former Scott Morrison Coalition government saw the relationship between the Liberal Party and the Chinese diaspora fray and voters turn away from the party in critical marginal seats.

While Peter Dutton continues to criticise the military actions of the Chinese government, he was focused on diplomacy today.

He wasn't able to enjoy the meal completely without interruption. His event was once again gate-crashed by a Rising Tide protester. Another member of the group disrupted an earlier visit to the XXXX brewery.

— Anna Henderson
Peter Dutton shakes hands with a man while standing next to a table of yum cha dishes.
Peter Dutton enjoys yum cha meals at a Chinese restaurant in Brisbane. Source: SBS
3 days ago29 Mar 2:52pm
Dutton wants to be the 'PM for home ownership'
At his Dickson morning tea, Peter Dutton said one of his priorities was to help young Australians achieve the dream of home ownership.

"I want to be the Prime Minister for home ownership, home affordability and home accessibility," he said.

The Coalition will put a two-year ban in place on foreign buyers — a pledge Labor matched and introduced in February this year.

Dutton says cutting the migration program will release around 100,000 homes — 40,000 in the first year.

"We can make sure that by managing the migration program properly and by cutting migration in this country, we can help families get into homes," he said.

The Coalition also has a $5 billion plan to create 500,000 new homes but some question whether this figure is too optimistic.

— Charis Chang
3 days ago29 Mar 2:39pm
Dutton's true believers nominate two policies as vote winners
SBS's Anna Henderson has delivered the 'tea' on Dutton's event in his home electorate of Dickson. She reports:

"Peter Dutton has received a hero's welcome from hundreds of hard core supporters in his own electorate at a special morning tea.

There were lots of retirees in the crowd. While enjoying cups of tea and cut sandwiches they told me they are backing the Opposition Leader because they want change.

Many were singing the praises of the Coalition’s planned fuel excise cut and are confident that petrol relief and a plan to get more gas into the system is a big vote winner.

These were the true believers though, anyone wearing red (the traditional colour of Labor) was met with a raised eyebrow."
3 days ago29 Mar 2:27pm
Wong criticises Dutton's foreign policy
In her speech in Perth, Penny Wong criticised the Opposition Leader's foreign policy, highlighting Peter Dutton's speech last week at the Lowy Institute.

"He didn’t mention Japan, Korea, China, India, Indonesia — he actually didn’t mention ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) at all," Wong said.

"Shows you what the map of the world according to Peter Dutton might look like."

— Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 2:01pm
Foreign Minister launches the campaign in Western Australia
Foreign Minister Penny Wong launched the Labor campaign for Western Australia voters today, highlighting the party's tax cut plan.

"The tax cuts build on the tax cuts we have already put in place," she said. "That is an important contribution for people's cost of living relief."

"Our tax cuts are permanent. You keep getting them, and we will keep building on them. That has been our record. We are prepared to say to Australians [that] we want to deliver a tax cut to every Australian.

"We know how important Western Australia is to the Australian economy ... we also know how important Western Australia is to the federation.

"We know what matters to Western Australians."
3 days ago29 Mar 1:51pm
Peter Dutton's wife supports him at campaign event
Spotted, the Opposition Leader’s wife Kirilly Dutton at his campaign cup of tea with hundreds of cheering supporters in his own electorate.
A woman wearing a sling around her arm holds a cup in her other hand
Kirilly Dutton was at her husband Peter Dutton's event in his electorate of Dickson. Source: SBS
— Anna Henderson
3 days ago29 Mar 1:46pm
PM: 'You can't govern a country with 150 independents'
During his press conference, Anthony Albanese was asked to speak to voters who have shifted their vote from the major parties, to voting for the Greens and Teals.

"If you are going to really change the country ... you need to be sitting around the Cabinet table," he told reporters.

"You can't govern a country with 150 independents.

"I lead a majority government with 78 seats that has brought stability, it has brought order, and we replaced a government that was chaotic.

"My government, I believe, deserves to be re-elected."

The PM was in Bundaberg promoting the Buy Australian campaign.

— Julia Abbondanza
3 days ago29 Mar 1:28pm
Dutton follows PM with an appearance in his own electorate
According to SBS chief political correspondent Anna Henderson, the Opposition Leader has travelled to Dickson — his own electorate — to attend a community morning tea following the PM’s visit.

The Opposition said this was arranged ahead of the prime minister's visit to Dickson this morning with the local candidate, Ali France.

Earlier today, Peter Dutton said that he would "welcome Mr Albanese meeting as many of my constituents of Dickson as possible".

"I think my margin would go up as a result of that ... So I'm very happy for that," he said.

Peter Dutton represents the seat of Dickson, which is the most marginal seat in Queensland, held by just 1.7 per cent.
3 days ago29 Mar 1:27pm
PM says there's been a 31 per cent drop on immigration
Anthony Albanese is holding his second press conference of the day in Bundaberg.

He was asked if he is committed to cutting migration to curb Australia's out of control population growth.

"We've had a 31 per cent drop, that's what Tuesday night's budget showed and we've introduced a cap on international students.

"What we saw was that Peter Dutton opposed it. Not surprising, from a guy who won the gold medal and the silver medal for the minister who has issued the most number of visas in their time as Minister."

— Julia Abbondanza
3 days ago29 Mar 1:17pm
Why is the PM at the Bundaberg Brewery?
Bundaberg Brewery is the second campaign stop for Anthony Albanese.

The Liberal National Party (LNP) holds the seat with a 10 percent margin but Labor believes it has a chance of winning the electorate thanks to Nationals MP Keith Pitt's retirement.
Why is the PM at the Bundaberg Brewery?
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese tastes a Bunderberg Ginger Beer as he visits Bundaberg Brewed Drinks in the electorate of Hinkler. Source: AAP / Lukas Coch
— Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 12:14pm
PM is wheels down in Bundaberg
An update from our reporter Sara Tomevska, who is following Albanese's campaign:

It’s wheels down on the airplane and we’re landing in Bundaberg.

Home of Australia’s iconic home-made ginger beer, there is a sense Labor will be spruiking its Buy Australian campaign ahead of US President Donald Trump’s looming reciprocal tariff decision next week.
3 days ago29 Mar 11:54am
Dutton touts 'very good relationship' with Independents, when asked about minority government
Peter Dutton is again warning voters that there could be a "Labor-Greens minority government" in the event of a hung parliament after election day, while also touting his own relationship with key Independent MPs and Senators.

"I believe that we can achieve a majority government ... Some of you would say that's difficult, and it is. There's no question about that. But I [also] believe there is a pathway if we need to negotiate for a minority government," the Opposition Leader said in response to a question on the topic.

Dutton added that he has a "very good relationship with many" of the Independents.

"The guarantee that I can give is that we will negotiate in good faith if that's the circumstances put before us," he added.

"I just think the focus at the moment is on how we can present our positive plan to the Australian people. I think all of the politics can be dealt with at another time, in another place."

— Niv Sadrolodabaee
3 days ago29 Mar 11:52am
Why the housing crisis looms large in the minds of many voters
Australia’s housing crisis has been decades in the making, fuelled by a mix of policy decisions, economic factors, and demographic trends.

But in the last few years it has become a key concern for an increasing number of voters, as many feel

Earlier today, prime minister Anthony Albanese was interrupted mid-press conference by a far-right vlogger questioning him about the role of immigration in the current crisis.

Tying housing to immigration has also been one of the main talking points of the Coalition.

The data suggests the relationship between the two is complex. Although immigration does increase demand, it doesn’t explain the underlying root causes of the problem.

Housing affordability and access are driven by a mix of issues, such as a long-standing imbalance between supply and demand for housing; and tax policies that treat property as an investment rather than a right including negative gearing and tax discounts.

Still, the prime minister continues to face questions over why his government hasn’t built more homes.

In 2023, the national cabinet agreed to construct 1.2 million more houses over five years to help alleviate shortages.

Later that same year, the Housing Australia Future Fund — a $10 billion investment aimed at building 30,000 new affordable properties over five years — was also passed by parliament.

But progress has been slow, according to some experts, due to delays in passing essential legislation tied to the two policies.

– Hannah Ritchie
3 days ago29 Mar 11:44am
Dutton says he'll reveal migration cut prior to election day
The Opposition Leader has confirmed he will reveal the visa categories the Coalition would target to cut permanent migration by 25 per cent, prior to election day.

SBS reporter Anna Henderson asked Peter Dutton whether he is alienating migrant voters.

Dutton responded: "There are many migrant families I've spoken to around the country who are desperately worried for their kids, they're second and third generation.

"They've come to this country looking for opportunity, and their kids can't afford to buy a house. Then kids can't find a rental property, and so many from all parts of our society are experiencing exactly the same as everyone else, and that is that it's tougher to find a house under this government."
3 days ago29 Mar 11:39am
'Who do you trust to manage the economy?'
Liberal leader Peter Dutton is talking about the Opposition's plan to reduce fuel and gas prices at his first campaign stop at the XXXX brewery in Brisbane.

"This election really is about who can manage the economy. Who do you trust to manage the economy? Who do you trust to keep our country safe in uncertain times?" Dutton said.

"I want to make sure that with our , we can bring down the price of gas.
Peter Dutton holds a beer
Peter Dutton drinks a beer at the XXXX beer factory. Source: AAP / Mick Tsikas
"We can have an economy-wide benefit that will build on the support that we provide to families who can save about $30 a week if they're fuelling two cars."

Dutton also spoke about the current flood in Western Australia and said the Opposition "will support any measure in relation to providing support to those [impacted] communities".

— Niv Sadrolodabaee