That's where we'll leave the live blog for tonight
Thanks for joining us, we'll be back with more coverage of the Justice For Cassius Turvey vigils tomorrow.
Journalists are still sending in content and we will be creating videos from all the events for everyone to see.
Thousands, all across the country, showed up today for Cassius and his family.
We will keep bringing the latest updates as they fight for justice.

Journalists are still sending in content and we will be creating videos from all the events for everyone to see.
Thousands, all across the country, showed up today for Cassius and his family.
We will keep bringing the latest updates as they fight for justice.
Attendees sit in at Brisbane's King George square for their event. Credit: NITV: Keira Jenkins
Young people showed up for Cassius in Brisbane. Credit: NITV: Keira Jenkins