新州美术馆在台北故宫博物院珍宝展期间将举办“霓虹神”华语电影回顾展,免费放映11部经典台湾电影,并选择35毫米的电影胶片来放映。这对于喜爱电影的朋友来说,无疑是一个好消息。让我们来听听新州美术馆电影策展人Ruby Arrowsmith Todd是如何在众多优秀的台湾影片中挑选电影的。
《青少年哪吒》(蔡明亮导演,1992,35毫米)《冬冬的假期》 (侯孝贤导演,1984,35毫米)《跑道终点》(牟敦芾导演, 1970, 35毫米/数码)《恐怖份子》(杨德昌导演,1986,35毫米)《最好的时光》(侯孝贤导演, 2005, 35毫米)《洞》 (蔡明亮导演,1998,35毫米)《卧虎藏龙》 (李安导演,2000, 35毫米)《饮食男女》(李安导演,1994, 35毫米)《一一》 (杨德昌导演, 2000, 35毫米)《侠女》 (胡金铨导演, 1971, 35毫米/数码)《日常对话》 (黄惠侦导演, 2016, 数码)更多影片详情,请浏览网站:
Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
A summer at Grandpa’s Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
The end of the track Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
Terrorizers Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
Three times Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
The hole Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
Crouching tiger, hidden dragon Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
Eat drink man woman Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
Yi yi Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
A touch of zen Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW
Small talk Source: by the Art Gallery of NSW