Voice Referendum: Indigenous Voice to Parliament
The SBS Voice Referendum portal
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum will be held on 14 October 2023
A dedicated destination for all Australians to access news, information and multilingual resources about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum from across the SBS network, including National Indigenous Television(NITV).
From First Nations perspectives through NITV, to coverage for multicultural communities in more than 60 languages, and all the latest from across SBS News, the SBS Voice Referendum portal is the place to come to be informed, in your preferred language.

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The Uluru Statement from the Heart in Your Language
Listen to this historic call for ‘Voice, Treaty and Truth’ in more than 20 Aboriginal languages (from communities in the Northern Territory and from Northern Western Australia) and over 60 languages to serve Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities, created with the purpose of continuing the national dialogue with all Australians.