Nrhiav tej after school activies dawb thiab them pheej yig siv

20241206_Huddle Up!_Volleyball-7_TheHuddle.jpg

Huddle Up! Volleyball program at The Huddle.

Cov after-school activities yuav pab kom tej me nyuam thiab tej hluas nyuam qhuav nto nkauj nto nraug tau txiaj ntsim ntau yam, tab sis kuj yog ib cov kim thiab. Tab sis kuj muaj hmoo uas Australia yeej tseem muaj ib cov program siv dawb thiab ib co uas tau them pheej yig siv thiab, tsuas nyob ntawm seb koj puas paub nrhiav qhov twg siv xwb.

Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb:
  • Cov fter-school activities ces pab kom tau txiaj ntsim ntau yam rau tej me nyuam yaus li pab kom tau ib cov txuj ci dab tsi, tau sib ntsib sib cuag nrog lwm tus thiab pab kom lawv kaj siab thaib tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo rau lub cev ntaj ntsug.
  • Yeej muaj ntau cov uas siv tau dawb los yog them pheej yig thiab muaj ntau yam rau koj xaiv siv, tsis hais ntawm tej libraries, tej hluas thiab tej zej zog tej koom haum, tej teej kawm cov programs thiab tsoom fwv cov vouchers.
  • Thaum xaiv siv ib co after school activity twg ces yuav tau xyuas kom xaiv tau cov uas yus tus me nyuam nyiam, haum raws li qhov nws xav tau, thiab muaj peev xwm koom. Thiab cia lawv muaj feem xyuam nrog tej no.
  • Tej programs ntau yam uas pab kom sawv daws tau koom yuav pab kom tej neeg mloog tau tias lawv yog ib feem ntawm lub teb chaws thiab yuav pab kom muaj kev koom npoj tuaj ntxiv rau lub teb chaws.
From basketball to circus and robotics, the sky is the limit when it comes to after-school activities in Australia.

Tej txiaj ntsim tau txais los ntawm cov after-school activities

Yeej muaj tej kev teeb txheeb qhia tias tej activities ntau yam no yuav pab kom tej me nyuam kawm tau ib co txuj ci tshiab, pab kom lawv kaj siab, tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo rau lub cev ntaj ntsug, ntseeg lawv tus kheej, thiab muaj tej txuj ci paub nrog lwm tus tham thiab sib cuag.

“Txhua yam tsis hais cov kev sib tw yog yog tej uas tej teej kawm npaj pab rau tej me nyuam thiab tej hluas yeej yog pab kom lawv muaj kev lom zem ua ntej tshaj plaws, thiab pab kom lawv tau koom nrog lwm tus, li tau tsim kev phooj ywg tshiab, los yog tau koom nrog lawv tej phooj ywg,'' raws li

Nws hais ntxiv tias cov kev tau koom ntawm tej me nyuam neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw yog ib qho tseem ceeb:

“Vim cov kev mloog tias yus yog ib feem ntawm zejzog yog tej yam yuav pab kom yus tau txais kev noj qab nyob zoo. Vim pom tias tej nyuam qhuv tuaj tshiab, los sis tej zejzog neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw yeej tsis tshua muaj peev xwm koom tau vim tej zaum raug cais los yog tsis muaj neeg kub siab txog.''

Zakaria Farah uas yog tus coj tswj cov hauj lwm txhim kho rau tej zejzog ntawm lub koom haum (the North Melbourne Football Club’s community arm) pom tias tej activities no pab kom tej me nyuam tau sib cuag nrog lwm tus sab nraum tej teej kawm:

''Vim muaj tej thaum tej hluas yeej tsis muaj peev xwm ntau kev phooj ywg nrog lwm tus thiab, tab sis cov kev sib tw yuav pab kom lawv tau ua ke thiab tej programs no tag nrho pab kom tej neeg muaj kev sib ntsib sib cuag sib raug zoo uas yog tej yam tau txais txiaj ntsim tseem ceeb heev rau tej hluas.''
Skateboarding program at The Huddle.

Xaiv tej activity kom haum raws li koj tus me nyuam xav tau

Thaum xaiv cov after-school activity ces ua tib zoo xyuas kom yog tej yam koj tus me nyuam yuam, haum raws li nws tus yam ntxwv, thiab nws lub tsab peev xwm ua tau. Tab sis tsis xav kom ua ntau yam uas yuav ua rau muaj teeb meem rau tus me nyuam los yog yus tsev neeg.

Yuav nrhiav thiab koom tau cov after-school activities dawb los yog pheej yig qhov twg

uas ntau yam neeg tau them ntau txheeb dollars ib xyoos twg los yeej muaj ntau cov uas siv dawb los yog them pheej yig thiab.

Yeej muaj tej teej kawm ntau lub muaj cov after school activities , thiab tej nom tswv xeev feem ntau yeej muaj cov sport thiab arts vouchers rau sawv daws siv.

Tej chaw saib ntawv zos (local libraries) los yeej muaj tej xov xwm ntau yam qhia txog tej activities ntau yam uas sawv daws koom tau li arts, science thiab technology.

Piv txwv li tej libraries ntawm Sydney lub zos Liverpool yeej muaj cov li chess, robotics clubs, crafts, thiab retro gaming.

Elysa Dennis uas yog tus manager uas tswj library thiab museum services rau Liverpool City Council thiaj hais tias:

“Tej zej zog yeej tau txais vaj huam sib luag koom tau co public libraries. Vim yog ib co chaw uas tej me nyuam yaus koom tau tsis hais yuav yuav muaj thiab tsis muaj nyiaj, yus nyob rau qhov twg li, yeej muaj ntau yam uas tej zaum yus nyiam ua, kom yus thiaj kawm tau ib co txuj ci tshiab thiab pab kom yus muaj kev lom zem.''

Tej hluas thiab tej zej zog tej koom haum kuj yog ib qho chaw yus koom tau

Zachary Lovett uas yog ib tug txiv neej neeg txum tim Australia caj ceg neeg Gunditjmara ces yog tus team leader ntawm , ntawm plawv nroog Melbourne. Lub koom haum no yeej muaj ntau cov activities li basketball, soccer, cooking,thiab circus rau tej neeg zejzog koom.

Nws hais tias “Vim qhov chaw ntawm peb lub koom haum tsis tshua muaj chaw dav rau lawv daws zaum thiab sib ntsib los yog sib tham nrog lwm tus neeg muaj hnoog nyoog tib yam. Tab sis yeej muaj ntau pab neeg sib tham thiab ua ntau yam ua ke. Li ua plua hno noj, los yog tsuas mus zaum sib tham thiab noj mov ua ke.''

Vim li cas cov kev tau koom thiaj tseem ceeb

ntawm North Melbourne thiab Wyndham yeej txhob txwm tsim kom tej me nyuam txhuas tus tau koom.

Zakaria Farah hais tias “Thaum tej niam txiv thiab tej hluas yuav tau them ib yam dab tsi mam tau koom ces yeej ua rau lawv tsis tshua tau koom, thiab yuav ua rau muaj neeg tsawg tau siv. Yog tias xyuas kom sawv daws tau siv dawb, ces yuav pab kom tej hluas tau koom ntau tuaj ntxiv thiab tau txais txiaj ntsim ntau yam.''
Dua ntawm qhov uas pheej yig zog thiab koom tau lawm, cov kev xyuas kom tsim tau tej activities haum raws li tej neeg tej kab lis kev cai, yuav pab kom yog ib co chaw zoo rau tej hluas ntawm ntau cov neeg zej zog coj ntseeg ntau yam kab lis kev cai tau koom thiab.

Farah hais tias ''Peb yeej kub siab xyuas kom thaum ntiav tej neeg ua hauj lwm, peb yuav tau qhia rau tej neeg ua hauj lwm kom paub ntau yam kab lis kev cai tias yuav ua li cas kom thiaj haum rau tej hluas vim lawv yog ntau cov neeg coj ntseeg ntau yam kab lis kev cai.''

Dua ntawm tej txiaj ntsim ntau yam tau txais rau tej neeg ntiag tug lawm, ces nws ntseeg tias tej program no tseem pab kom teb chaws muaj kev koom npoj thiab muaj feem koom thiab.

Nws hais tias “Tej hluas uas tuaj siv peb cov programs ces peb yeej tau kawm kom paub tias seb lawv ua dab tsi, peb kawm txog lawv tej kab lis kev cai thiab hloov yooj raws thiab kawm ntawm lawv thiab. Txawm tias yog tej yam tseem ceeb uas tau txais ntau yam txiaj ntsim rau lawv, tab sis kuj tseem yog tej yam uas pab kom peb sawv daws muaj feem koom ntau tuaj ntxiv thiab tsim kom tau lub teb chaws uas muaj kev koom npoj thiab sib haum xeeb thiab.''
Subscribe los yog caum mloog tej xov xwm kaw ua suab Australia Explained kom paub txog ntau yam xov xwm tseem ceeb thiab tej lus taw qhia kom koj pib tau lub neej tshiab ntawm teb chaws Australia.

Yog tias koj muaj ib co lus nug dab tsi los yog muaj ib co tswv yim dab tsi? Ces xa email rau peb rau ntawm 

Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , thiab . Downloadthiab mloog tau caum los yog lwm cov podcast platforms (,  thiab ).
