Saib thiab mloog tau ntau yam xov xwm txog Hmoob cov qub tub rog thiab America cov tsov rog Secret War raws li cov vas sab hauv qab no:
- The Hmong and the Secret War:
- MPR valley, PBS Specials - The Hmong and the secret war:
- Hmong and the US 'Secret War':
- The secret war unviled by Txhawb magazine:
- Galen Beery, the man who told Hmong history through photos :
- Story about Galen Beery photo collections - Lar Yang - Txhawb magazine:
- The unforgotten Hmong SGU - Hlee Lee - Hmong Museum:
- We lost everything:
- Dr. Mai Na Mee Lee shares her experience about the US 'Secret War':
- Dr. Lee Pao Xiong shares his experience about the US 'Secret War':
- Hmong American 40 years:
- Hmong American 40 years story at Txhawb magazine in Hmong :
- Hmong Australia 40 years:
- Hmong Australia 40 years (1975-2016)-Hmong Australia Festival Inc:
- Vox pox reaction from Hmong communities about Hmong Australia 40 years celebration:
Saib tau Galen Beery cov duab yees Hmoob rau lub caij US secret war los yog Vietnam War hauv qab no:

War memorial monument dedicated to Hmong and Lao soldiers who fought along side the US soldiers during Vietnam War-Fresno, California - Hmong 40 years - Lar Yang Source: Lar Yang

Hmong evacuation during US secret war - Lar Yang, curator and director of Hmong 40 years - Galen Beery Photo Collections Source: Galen Beery photo collections

Hmong evacuation into Longcheng Samthong - Lar Yang, curator and director of Hmong 40 years - Galen Beery Photo Collections Source: Galen Beery photo collections

Hmong Special Guerrilla Unit soldier - Lar Yang, curator and director of Hmong 40 years - Galen Beery Photo Collections Source: Galen Beery photo collections

A Hmong women mourned after her daughter and husband died during the US secret war - Lar Yang, curator and director or Hmong 40 years - Galen Beery Phto Collections Source: Galen Beery photo collections

Hmong SGU veterans and commuters at Longcheng Samthong - Lar Yang, curator and director of Hmong 40 years - Galen Beery Photo Collections Source: Galen Beery photo collections

USAIDS for Hmong refugees within Laos during the US secret war - Lar Yang, curator and director of Hmong 40 years - Galen Beery Photo Collections Source: Galen Beery photo collections