Txawm ntiaj teb hnub qhia txog cov kab mob npaws yoov tshaj cum World Malaria Day tim 25.04.2018 tau dhau mus lawm los, cov xov xwm ntawm lub chaw teeb txheeb The QIMR Meghofer Medical Research Institute yeej tau qhia tias cov kab mob malaria tau kis mob rau 250 roob tus neeg thoob ntiaj teb thaib ua rau ze txog li 1 roob tus tas sim neej, feem ntau yog cov me nyuam yaus. Cov teb chaws African yog cov raug teeb meem ntau tshaj plaws vim muaj neeg txog 194 roob tus tau cov mob no cov tau cov kab mob npaws yoov tshaj cum coob zum 2 yog cov teb chaws South East Asia ze txog li 15 roob tus rwas li ntiaj teb lub koom haum tswj kev noj qab haus huv tsab ntawv cej luam xyoo 2016 tau qhia .
Yog li nyog rau lub caij tim 1-5 lub 7 hli ntuj xyoo 2018 ntawm Melbourne Exhibition Centre thiaj tau muaj ntau cov kes tshawb fawb tawm los uas yog cov kws teeb txheeb, tej tuam chav tswj kev noj qab haus huv, cov koom haum pab cuam nyiaj txiaj, cov koom haum pab cuam tsis nce rau nom tswv, thiab ntau tus tsoom hwv mus txog rau cov koom haum neeg zejzog ua ntsib cov kab mob malaria no tau tuaj koom ntiaj teb thawj lub rooj koom txheej the . Lub hom phiaj yog sib pauv hloov tswv yim, nthuav qhia txog cov kev teeb txheeb kom ho nrhiav tau cov tswv yim laj lim tshiab los tsim tau cov hauv kev coj los tiv thaiv, pov puag thiab kho los yog tus kom txhob muaj neeg mob cov kab mob no mus ntxiv rau yav pem suab.
Australia tus pwm tsav lis laj fai pej kum (Foreign Minister) Julie Bishop tau hais tias tsoom hwv Australia yeej tau pab nyiaj txog li $300 roob dollar rau cov hauj lwm Health Security Initiative pab rau cov teb chaws Indo-Pacific, thiab tseem tau pab nyiaj $16 roob rau Australia 5 kev teeb txheeb coj los pab rau ntau lub teb chaws ntawm cheeb tsam no kom muaj peev xwm daws tau cov teeb meem npaws yoov sib kis, muaj peev xwm tiv thaiv, muaj peev xwm tshuaj ntsuam txheeb xyuas thaib tawm tsam los yog tua los sis kho cov kab mob no kom txhob muaj ntxiv. Kom thiaj li pab tau cheeb tsam no tej pej xeem kom tau txais kev noj qab haus huv, muaj peev xwm tsim tau lagluam kom loj hlob huam vam tuaj.
Senior researcher and scientist Zeskais James McCarthy uas yog ib tug kws tshawb fawb tawm los thiab yog tus kws teeb txheeb ntawm lbu chaw teeb txheeb The QIMR Meghofer Medical Research Institute tau qhia tias ntiaj teb thawj lub rooj sab laj tham txog cov kab mob malaria no txawv tshaj txhua lub tau tham txog cov kev tswj kev noj qab haus huv.
Mloog tau cov lus interview nrog Professor James McCarthy ua lus Askiv (English) hais txog cov kev teeb txheeb cov tshuaj kho kab mob malaria tau ntawm no:
“Qhov zoo ntawm lub rooj koom txheej no ces vim nws txawv dua lwm cov rooj sab laj, rau qhov tias tau coj tag nrho tej neeg tshawb fawb thiab teeb txheeb txog cov kab mob malaria, cov koom pab pab nyiaj txiag rau tej hauj lwm no, koom haum zejzog, koom haum NGOs thiab tsoom hwv nrog rau tej tuam chav tswj kev noj qab haus huv tau tuaj koom ua ke tib si. Yog li thiaj yuav pab kom tej neeg sawv daws muaj peev xwm sib hloov tswv yim nrog cov neeg txawv uas lawv tsis tau ntsib tau tham dua los li. Kuj zoo siab uas tau muaj cov sawv cev ntawm cov teb chaws Asia uas muaj cov teeb meem no sib ki ntau thiab ntau lub teb chaws Africa uas muaj cov teeb meem no tuaj koom thiab. Australia yeej muaj lub luag hauj lwm tseem ceeb los pab tsim tej twj thiab tej hauv kev kho cov kab mob tshiab kom tiv thaiv tau tej neeg kom txhob tas sim neej los ntawm cov kab mob malaria no ntxiv lawm, raws li zeskais McCarthy tau qhia.
Dr. Mayfong Mayxay yog tus lwm coj ntawm Nplog lub tsev kawm qhib sib txog fab kev noj qab haus huv thaib kev kho mob lub chaw teeb txheeb thiab yog ib tug lees kais qhia rau lub tsev kawm qhib siab no kuj tau qhia tias, Nplog muaj 3 lub hom phiaj yuav los daws cov kab mob npaws yoov tshaj cum no.
Ib yog tuaj koom lub rooj sab laj the 1st World Malaria Congress Conference no kom sib pauv hloov tau tswv yim tshiab nrog lwm cov kws teeb txheeb, Ob tuaj yog sab laj nrog Professor Ric Price ntawm Western Australia txog cov tswv yim tswj cov kab mob sib kis li yoov tshaj cum no, peb tuaj ces yog coj nws cov kev teeb txheeb tuaj nthuav qhia rau lub rooj sab laj no.
Professor James McCarthy tau hais tias tsoom hwv Australia cov nyiaj $16 million uas tau los ntawm Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) yog ib cov nyiaj yuav tau txais txij ntsim zoo vim yuav siv los lis cov hauj lwm Medicines for Malaria Venture –(MMV) ntau yam uas pab rau ntau cov chaw teeb txheeb tsis hais yuav yog kev tiv thaiv, kev tshuaj ntsuam thiab tsim kom tau cov tshuaj tshiab coj los siv.
Lub chaw teeb txheeb The QIMR Meghofer Medical Research Institute kuj tau sim ib cov anti-malaria vaccine tshiab rau ntau puas tus neeg ntwam teb chaws Australia no thiab kuj siv tau cov tshuaj no ua hauj lwm zoo heev, uas ua rau muaj kev cia siab kawg li thiab.
Txawm tias Though Tu You you, uas yog ib tug poj niam suav puas paub tsim tshuaj thiab yog ib tug lees kais qhia ntawv qib siab tau tsim tau cov tshuaj Arteminsinin based Combination Treatment (ACT) coj los kho cov kab mob malaria los yog kab mob npaws yoov uas ua rau nws tau Nobel Prize rau xyoo 2015 dhau los los vim tau muaj technologies vam meej tuaj lawm ces tam sim no Australia cov kws teeb txheeb thiaj muaj peev xwm tsim tau cov anti-malaria tshiab uas ze ze rau qhov yuav muaj peev xwm tsim tau los ua tshuaj siv lawm.

Senior Researcher Professor James McCarthy and his fellow researchers-Courtesy of QIMR Meghofer Midical Research Institute Source: Courtesy of QIMR Meghofer Midical Research Institute
Professor James McCarthy ntawm lub chaw teeb txheeb tau hais tias:
” Nyob rau hauv peb cov kev siv teeb txheeb no, ces peb txhob txwm muab cov cab malaria coj los hno kis mob rau cov neeg nyob cus plaws. Ces peb txheeb tau tias qee cov tshuaj anti-malaria vaccine no muaj peev xwm tua tau tag nrho cov kab mob malaria no hauv cov neeg sim ntawd lub cev lawm. Thiaj ua rau peb zoo siab heev, thiab peb xav tias tej zaum tam sim no yuav coj peb cov tshuaj no coj mus sim rau cov teb chaws uas muaj cov neeg kis cov kab mob no ntau seb ho siv puas tau hauj lwm. Tab sis thaum peb sim tau zoo lawv ces peb cia siab tias yuav muaj peev xwm tsim kom tau coj los ua tshuaj coj los siv daws cov teeb meem uas cov tshuaj kho tsis tau cov kab mob malaria no."
Txawm tau sim tau cov tshuaj no zoo raws siab xav los yeej tseem muaj ntau yam dej num yuav tau los ua mas thiaj yuav tsim tau cov tshuaj no coj los siv tiag.
“ Professor McCarthy hais tias, ntshe tseem yuav siv 5 xyoos ntxiv mas thiaj mam tsim tau cov tshuaj tiav los siv tiag txawm tias peb tau sim thiab paub zoo lawm tias siv tau hauj lwm zoo raws siab xav, los peb tseem yuav tau lis ntau yam hauj lwm kom thiaj coj tau tej shuaj no siv los hno rau tej neeg sawv daws tau. Peb yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo xyuas kom tsim tau cov tshuaj tau txais kev nyab xeeb, siv tsis muaj teeb meem, tsim kom tau cov tshuaj zoo, tsim tej chaws yuav tsim cov tshuaj no thiab tseem yuav tau txais kev pom zoo thiab txheeb xyuas los ntawm ntau cov koom haum li the USFDA (Food and Drug Administration) los yog the European Medicines Agency (EMA) thib the Australian TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration), uas yauv tau ua zoo xyuas kom tsim tau cov tshuaj siv tau zoo tiag thiab tau txais kev nyab xeeb tiag mas thiaj muaj peev xwm coj mus siv tau rau tej neeg tiag. Vim cov me nyuam yaus thiab cov poj niam yog cov tau cov kab mob malaria ntau dua ces peb thiaj xav ua tib zoo xyuas kom tau txais kev nyab xeeb rau cov neeg no thiab."
Teb chaws Nplog los kuj tau xa 2 tus doctors tuaj koom lub rooj koom txheej 1st World Malaria Congress hauv teb chaws Australia thiab. Dr. Sengchan Kounnavong yog tus lwm coj ntwm lub koom haum National Institute of Public Health, thiab yog tus coj lub chaw teeb txheeb cov kev kho mob thiab tshuaj ntawm cov teb chaws chaw sov nrog rau
Associate Professor Mayfong Mayxay, uas tau koom teeb txheeb nrog Thaib lub tsev kawm qib siab Mahidol thiab Askiv lub tsev kawm qib siab Oxford txog cov hauj lwm Tropical Medicine Research Unit los kuj tau tuaj koom lub rooj sab laj no.

Lao delegation, Dr. Sengchan Kounnavong and Associate Professor Mayfong Mayxay, attended the 1st World Malaria Congress conference in Melbourne-SBS Source: SBS
"Dr. Mayfong Mayxay tau qhia tias peb tau siv cov tswv yim mass dosage advocacy (MDA) los tswj cov kab mob malaria rau thaj chaw uas sib kis ntau heev uas peb muab cov tshuaj rau tej neeg zejzog noj txhua nrho ces peb txheeb tau tias cov kev teeb txheeb no siv tau hauj lwm zoo heev thiab rau cov neeg sim yuav laug txog 100% diam, tab sis vim tseem muaj cov teeb meem tej tshuaj siv tua tsis tau cov kab mob no lawm thiab ces peb thiaj yuav tau siv ntau yam tswv yim li cov ACT thiab tej zaum yuav siv cov anti-malaria vaccine tsim tau tshiab no coj los sib pab tiv thaib thiab kho cov kab mob no."
tau hais tiasSuav tuam tshoj muaj peev xwm kho tau cov kab mob no uas muaj 500 tus mob rau xyoo 2010 kom zoo thiab tsis mob ntxiv li lawm, qhov no tau pab kom nws dim thiab txhob muaj cov kab mob no li lawm rau xyoo 2020 li nws tau teeb tseg. Hos teb chaws Papua New Guinea uas muaj pej xeem 8 roob tus thiab muaj ze txog li 20% tau cov kab mob malaria no ces twb ua rau 6000 tus tas sim neej rau xyoo 2016 lawm. Thiab raws li WHO tsab ntawv cej luam xyoo 2016 tau qhia ces cov teb chaws nyob sab nram qab ntawm tus niam dej Mekong no yog cov tseem muaj kab mob malaria sib kis coob heev.
Dr. Sengchan Kounnavong, uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Tropical Medicine thiab yog tus lwm coj lub koom haum tswj kev noj qab haus huv tau qhia tias cov neeg tej kev txav mus rau ib thaj chaw twg thiaj ua rau kis tau cov kab mob malaria no.
“Txij xyoo 2011 yuav xaus rau xyoo 2012 ntawd ces kuj tau muaj cov kev sib kis ntau heev no ntau tuaj sai heev thiab ntaug lawm, ces peb thiaj xav paub thiab tau teeb txheeb ces tshawb tau tias tos muaj cov teeb meem sib kis no los vim yog muaj cov neeg ntawm thaj chaw tsis tau cov kab mob malaria no mus ua cov hauj lwm development projects rau tom tej hav zoov ces thiaj coj cov mob no rov qab mus kis rau lawv tej zejzog thiab thiaj sib kis cov kab mob no coob tuaj. Yog li tsis yog ib lub teb chaws xwb tab sis yuav tsum ntau lub ntawm cheeb tsam South East Asia uas muaj neeg tuaj koom ua covhauj lwm no yuav tsum tau koom tes nrog daws thiab mas thiaj yuav tiv thaiv tau, faws li Dr. Sengchan tau qhia.
Mloog tau cov lus SBS Hmong Program interview Dr. Sengchan Kounnavong thiab Dr. Mayfong Mayxay uas nom tswv Nplog xav tuaj koom lub rooj sab laj 1st World Malaria Congress ua lus Nplog (Lao) tias nplog yuav tau txais txiaj ntsim dab tsi ntawm no:
Txawm li cas los Dr. Sengchan tau qhia tias muaj 2 lub tswv yim tseem ceeb yuav siv los daws cov teeb meem no xws li tsom hwv yuav tsum npaj tswv yim thiab tso cai ua tej hauj lwm no thiab koom tes nrog lwm cov nom tswv theem qe txhua theem mus txog rau cov neeg tswj kev noj qab haus huv zos, uas yuav tau kub siab los tiv thaiv thiab kho cov neeg zos uas mus tom hav zoov los es mob ntawd seb puas tau tus kab mob malaria, ces thiaj paub kho kiag los yog muab tshuaj rau noj los sis xa mus kho txuas ntxiv rau tom tej tsev kho mob thiab clinic txuas ntxiv kom txho sib kis lawm.
Dr. Mayxay Los kuj tau koom tes nrog Thaib lub tsev kawm qib siab Mahidol thiab Askiv lub tsev kawm qib siab Oxford Universities los tsim cov kev teeb txheeb thiab tig los tsim Nplog cov cai tswj cov kab mob no thiab tau coj dua cov tshuaj tshiab los siv hloov cov chloroquine thiab sulphadoxine pyrimethamine nrog rau siv cov tshuaj ACTs and Arthemitehr-lumefantrine txij xyoo 2005 los lawm.

Mosquito biting-Skeeze-Pixabay Source: Pixabay
"Dr. Mayxay tau hais tias Nplog tus qub thawj pwm tsav dhau los yeej tau kos xyeem mem tes pom zoo los daws kom txhob muaj kab mob npaws yoov tshaj cum malaria hauv Nplog teb rau xyoo 2030 ntxiv lawm thaum lawv sab laj ASEAN meeting ntawm teb chaws Phabmab lub nroog Naypyidaw. Thawj theem yog txij xyoo 2016-2020 ces muaj 3 kauj ruam xwb li txo kom txhob muaj neeg tau cov kab mob no ntau, 2 tuaj ces nrhiav tswv yim los kho kom txhob muaj cov teeb meem tshuaj kho thiab tua tsis tau cov kab mob no, thiab txij xyoo 2020-2025 ces yuav xyuas kom sab qaum teb ntawm Nplog teb txhob muaj cov kab mob no ntxiv. Txij xyoo 2025-2030 ces xyuas kom Nplog dim ntawm cov kab mob no."
Dr. Mayfong Mayxay tau hais tias muaj 2 txoj xub kev yauv tiv thaiv tau cov kab mob no xws li, tiv thaiv ntawm yus tus kheej kom txhob tau cov kab mob no thiab tiv thaiv tus neeg uas tau cov kab mob npaws yoov malaria no kom txhob kis rau lwm tus ntxiv. Nws xav kom pej xeem Nplog yuav tsum pw hauv vij tsam tsau tshuaj uas nom tswv faib rau lawv siv, thiab yog mus pw tom hav zoov los yog ua liaj teb los yuav tsum nqa lub vijtsam tsau tshuaj mus dai pw thiab, ntxiv ntawd yuav tsum hnav ris tsho npab ntev ceg ntev kom yoov txhob tom los yog pleev tshuaj rau kom yoov txhob tom. Tab sis qhov tseem ceeb tshaj ces cov neeg tswj kev noj qab haus huv hauv zos yog cov yuav los pab tiv thaiv, txheeb xyuas thiab kho los yog xa cov neeg mob mus kho kom txhob kis rau lub zos ntawd uas yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev thiab.
Dr. Sengchan Kounnavong tau hais trau cov neeg Nplog nyob txawv teb chaws thiab cov neeg Nplog xav rov qab mus xyuas teb chaws kom mus ntsib thiab sab laj nrog cov kws kho mob seb puas hno tshuaj tiv thaiv li cas kom txhob tau cov kab mob no yog lawv mus ncig cov teb chaws chaw sov uas muaj yoov tshaj cum. Thiab txawm tias lawv npaj tsis tau los mus txog Nplog teb yeej muaj cov services no rau sawv daws siv tib yam kom thiaj qab sib mus ncig teb chaws Nplog thiab.#
Listen more news in Hmong and English at SBS Radio Hmong Program on Thursday at 6pm AEDT-Australian Eastern Standard Time and Sunday at 11 am AEDT.
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