Tej nqe hluav taws xob yeej sib txawv ntawm ib lub chaw retailer yog piv rau lwm lub, tab sis koj muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau qee yam xov xwm zoo tib yam cuam tshuam txog tej nqe no thiab.
Kev paub tias koj yuav tau them tej nqe hluav taws xob no ntau npaum li cas thiab pub koj them pib hnub twg txog hnub twg tsis pub dhau lub caij no yog tej yam tseem ceeb heev.
Nws yuav qhia tias koj yuav tsum them npaum li cas raws li koj tau siv, thiab ho puas tsub se rau koj them li cas ntxiv los yog tsub nqe ntxiv rau koj them tshaj li cas thiab yeej qhia tias yog koj xav sib txuas lus nrog koj tus retailer uas xa hluav taws xob rau koj siv no yuav ua li cas.
Tsis tas li no daim ntawv them nqe hluav taws xob no tseem qhia rau koj paub ntxiv tias seb lawv puas yuav nce cov nqe hluav taws xob tshiab li cas ntxiv rau tom ntej no, yog li thiaj tseem ceeb heev uas koj yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo xyuas.
Koj muaj peev xwm saib tau ntawm no thiab nyeem tau daim ntawv them nqe hluav taws xob uas yog cov qauv piv txwv tau ntawm .
Tej retailers yeej xa cov ntawv them nqe hluav taws xob rau koj txhua hli los yog txhua txhua 3 hlis twg ib zaug. Thiab koj muaj sij hawm 13 hnub mus them cov nqe no. Kuj muaj ib txhia retailers txo nqe pheej yig zog rau koj them thiab yog tias koj them raws sij hawm lawv kom koj them. Tab sis yog dhau lub caij ntawd lawm ces koj yuav tsis tau cov nqe txo pheej yig no lawm.

Source: AAP Image/Brendan Esposito
Kuv yuav them cov nqe hluav taws xob no li cas?
Yeej muaj ntau txoj hauv kev rau koj them tau tej nqe no.
-Koj siv credit los yog cov debit card them hauv xov tooj los yog hauv online los tau.
-Los yog koj nqa daim ntawv them nqe hluav taws xob no mus them kiag ntawm ib lub chaw xav ntawv Australian post office twg los tau. Tsis tas li no yog tias cov retailer muab ib daim card rau koj them me ntsis ib zaug twg tab sis yuav tsum tau them ntau zaus ua ntuv zus ces koj muaj peev xwm mus them tau ntawm chaw xav ntawv (Post Office) tau tib yam thiab.
-Koj muaj peev xwm nug cov retailer kom npaj seb koj yuav them li cas kom lawv rho ncaj qha hauv koj phau account npau li cas los tau.
-Yog tias koj tau nyiaj pab cuam Centrelink benefits, ces koj muaj peev xwm qhib ib phau account Centrepay kom thaum twg tsoom hwv them cov nyiaj Centrelink payments rau koj ces kom cia li txiav ib cov ntawm cov nyiaj no coj mus them tej nqe hluav taws xob ncaj qha xwb.
Tab sis yog kuv ho tsis muaj peev xwm them tau raws lub caij lawv kom them ne yuav ua li cas?
Yog tias koj tsis muaj peev xwm them tau raws lub caij lawv hais kom koj them, ces txhob txhawj thiab, vim koj tseem muaj txoj hauv kev yuav them tau tej nqe no, tab sis koj yuav tsum tau hu xov tooj nrog koj tus retailer sib tham kiag tam sim ntawd kom paub txog tej teeb meem no.
Paula Conboy uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Australian Energy Regulator hais tias “Cov Retailers yuav tsum tau los pab tej customers uas tsis muaj teeb meem rau cov kev them tej nqe hluav taws xob no. Yog li koj yuav tsum hu rau koj tus retailer nrog lawv tham seb yuav pab tau koj li cas, tej zaum lawv kuj yuav rub lub sij hawm ntev rau koj them tej nqe no thiab npaj seb koj yuav them tau tej nqe no li cas. Tsis tas li no, lawv kuj muaj ib cov program rau cov neeg txom nyem nyiaj txiag hu ua hardship program pab cov neeg tsis muaj peev xwm them tau tej nqe no thiab, yog li koj yuav tsum kub siab los nrog xyuas, thiab yuav tsum ua zoo xyuas thiab kub siab hu nrog lawv tham kom sai li sai tau."

Source: Getty Images/MultifacetedGirl
Yog tias muaj dab tsi yuam kev rau tej nqe hluav taws xob no ne, kuv yuav ua li cas?
Yog tias koj daim nqe hluav taws xob kim tshaj txhia zaus dhau los thiab koj xav tias tej zaum muaj dab tsi yuam kev lawm, ces thawj yam koj tsim nyog ua ntawd koj yuav tsum tau xub nug koj tus kheej tias puas muaj lwm yam laj thawj (reason) dab tsi cuam tshuam tso. Seb puas yog koj yuav lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws tshiab los siv uas siv hluav taws xob ntau dua qub? Puas yog koj siv cuab sov rau lub caij ntuj no nod? los yog seb puas yog muaj qhua tuaj so ntau lub plua ntawm koj?
Yog tias tsis muaj tej hais no tab sis tus nqe tseem kim tshaj qhov qub ib txwm them dhau los, ces koj yuav tau hu sib txuas lus nrog koj tus retailer thiab nug kom lawv tshab txhais rau koj kom nkag siab tias vim li cas. Yog tias tus neeg koj nrog tham ho pab tsis tau koj thiab ces hais kom tus manager los nrog koj tham kiag. Qhov tseem ceeb koj yuav tsum tau teev zwm tej neeg koj nrog tham ntawd tej npe thiab lawv hais dab tsi rau koj tseg cia.
Thiab yog tias pheej tseem muaj cov teeb meem ua rau koj pheej yuav tau them tej nqe hluav taws xob kom txuas ntxiv, ces koj yuav tsum tau coj tej teeb meem no mus qhia rau lub koom haum Engergy Ombudsman ntawm lub xeev uas koj nyob ntawd. Lawv yeej muaj cov kev pab cuam dawb rau koj siv thiab lawv yeej yog lub koom haum tuaj nruab nrab tsis nce rau tog twg.
Cynthia Gebert uas yog tus coj ntawm lub koom haum Victoria’s Energy and Water Ombudsman hais tias “Peb tsis yog tus sawv cev rau cov customers thiab tsis yog tus sawv cev rau cov retailers uas ua cov lagluam no, peb tsuas yog tus los nrog 2 tog xyuas kom daws tau cov teeb meem no ncaj ncees rau sawv daws xwb”.
Koj muaj peev xwm siv tau cov neeg txhais lus dawb xwb thaum koj hu nrog koj lub tuam txhab electricity retailer tham los yog lub caij uas koj hu nrog lub koom haum Engergy Ombudsman ntawm lub xeev koj nyob tham yog tias koj tsis paub lus Askiv zoo. Hu rau qhov chaw txhais lus thiab txhais ntev tus zauv xov tooj 13 14 50.
Tsis tas li no tseem muaj ib cov websites ntawm cov koom haum Energy Ombudsman ntawm ntau lub xeev uas koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau raws li no thiab: , , , , , , thiab .

Anonymous hands using digital tablet to surf the net for better deals Source: Getty Images
Txheeb xyuas koj cov kev siv hluav taws xob:
Yog koj tsis xav them cov nqe hluav taws xob ib zaug kim kim, ces koj yuav tsum kub siab los soj ntsuam seb koj siv tej hluas taws xob li cas. Hais txog nqe no, yeej muaj cov retailers tsim tau cov apps thiab cov twj hauv online (Online tools) uas koj muaj peev xwm siv coj los txheeb xyuas tias koj siv hluav taws xob ib hnub twg ntau npaum li cas thiab.
Tab sis yog tias koj tus retailer ho tsis muaj tej hais no rau koj siv, los koj yeej muaj peev xwm txheeb xyuas tau koj tus kheej thiab.
Cynthia Gebert hais tias "Koj muaj peev xwm yuav ib cov device coj los nruab kiag rau hauv koj tsev kom thiaj li paub tias seb koj siv hluav taws xob npaum li cas los yeej tau thiab. Lwm yam koj yuav tau ua ces yog mus saib kiag lub meter uas qhia tias koj siv hluav taws xob ib hnub npaum li cas rau hnub ntawd, thiab tag kis ho rov qab mus saib dua seb koj ho siv npaum li cas ntxiv. Ces mam siv cov zauv uas koj txheeb tau no los xam tias seb koj yuav siv hluav taws xob ntau npaum li cas.”
Ntxiv ntawd koj muaj peev xwm txheeb xyuas tau cov tswv yim pab koj txuag kom txhob siv hluav taws xob ntau ntawm no tau thiab.
Yog koj xav tau xov xwm kom ntxaws ntxiv txog koj cov nqe hluav taws xob no ces mus xyuas tsoom hwv Australia lub koom haum Australian Energy Regulator's tau tib yam.
Mloog tau lwm yam xov xwm ua lus Hmoob thaib lus Askiv tau ntawm SBS Radio Hmong Program ntawm rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) sij hawm 6 thaus tsaus ntuj (6pm) AEDT-Australian Eastern Standard Time thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 thaus sawv ntxov (11 am AEDT) tau tib yam.
Koj tseem muaj peev xwm download tau SBS Radio App ntawm App Store thiab down load tau ntawm Google Play or tso rau koj tej electronic devices tsis hais yog tablets, iPads, smartphones ces koj mloog tau xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program rau 2 hnub thiab 2 lub sij hawm li hais los saum toj no tau tib yam.
Thiab koj muaj peev xwm download tau cov xov xwm kaw ua suab ua lus Hmoob thiab lus Askiv los mloog tau ntawm lub vas sab los cia tau mloog thaum koj khoom los yog mloog kiag tam sim ntawd tau tib yam.
Los sis koj muaj peev xwm tuaj caum peb qab ua tub koom siab, nyem nyiam (Clike Like), faib xov xwm (Share), tawm tswv yim (Comments) tau ntawm #SBSHmong Facebook page tau.
Thiab yog tias koj xav sib txuas lus nrog SBS Radio Hmong Program ces hu xov tooj tuaj rau tus zauv xov tooj + 61 3 9949 2259 qhia koj zaj dab neeg los yog sib tham tau los yog koj mus tawm tswv yim tau ntawm .
Hos yog koj nyob teb chaws Australia thiab xav mloog xov tooj cua SBS Radio Hmong Program rau 2 hnub Thursday 6 pm AEDT thiab Sunday 11 am AEDT ces mloog tau raws li lub vam sab no los yog mloog tau SBS 8 lub xov tooj cua tau ntawm no .