Nyob teb chaws Australia no ces tam sim no ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm twg tsim nyog yuav tsum khwv tau nyiaj $18.29 rau ib teev twg los yog yuav tsum khwv kom tau li ntawm 695 dollars rau ib lub limtiam tsis tau them se. Thiab yuav tsum them nyiaj kom txwm li no rau tej neeg ua hauj lwm xwb txawm tej neeg ua hauj lwm pom zoo yuav tsawg dua los yuav tsum tau them tus nqe no rau lawv.
Tsim nyog koj khwv tau nyiaj npaum li cas?
Tseem muaj lwm yam ua rau koj khwv tau nyiaj ntau tshaj cov nyiaj minimum wage lawm thiab. Yog koj ua hauj lwm hmo ntuj, ua hauj lwm rau 2 hnub so los yog hnub zej tsoom so tsis ua hauj lwm ces koj yuav tau cov nyiaj penalty rates uas tau nyiaj ntau dua. Koj mus txheeb xyuas tau ntawm nod ntxiv .
Tseem muaj ib co lalguam uas them cov nyiaj modern awards rau tej neeg ua hauj lwm thiab, qhov no txhais tau tias muaj ib txhia lagluam siv cov mordern awards rates ces koj yuav khwv tau nyiaj ntau dua. Koj muaj peev xwm txheeb tau ntawm nod .
Cov neeg ua hauj lwm casual yuav khwv tau nyiaj txog 25% los ntawm cov casual loading. Qhov nod txhais tau tias kom tsim nyog khwv tau nyiaj ntau tshaj cov nyiaj sij hawm uas koj ib txwm ua ntawd. Tab sis koj yuav tsus tau cov nyiaj them annual leave los yog long services leave.![bcd49f81-18c3-42df-9fe5-30274f4ce864_1519637694.jpeg?itok=eh7nkuET&mtime=1519637796](https://www.sbs.com.au/radio/sites/sbs.com.au.radio/files/styles/body_image/public/bcd49f81-18c3-42df-9fe5-30274f4ce864_1519637694.jpeg?itok=eh7nkuET&mtime=1519637796&imwidth=1280)
Siv cov twj xam seb tsim nyog koj khwv tau nyiaj npaum li cas (Use the Pay Calculator):
Yog koj xav tias tej zaum tej tswv lagluam tsis them nyiaj raws li qhov tsim nyog rau koj los sis koj xav txheeb xyuas kom meej tseeb, ces lub koom haum Fair Work Ombudsman yeej muaj ib co twj xam pab koj thiab.
Koj muaj peev xwm mus rau ntawm lub vas sab thiab teb ob peb nqe lus nug xwb ces yuav muaj peev xwm qhia tau rau koj tias tsim nyog koj yuav khwv tau nyiaj npaum li cas.
Cov tub kawm pej kum haiv thiab cov neeg ev hnab ncig teb chaws yog cov khwv tau nyiaj tsawg dua:
Laurie Berg yog ib tug neeg qhia ntawv los ntev rau lub chaw qhia cai lij choj ntawm txhooj faj lem University of Technology Sydney. Tsaib no, nws tau nrog nws cov neeg ua hauj lwm tsim cov kev teeb txheeb txog tej neeg ua hauj lwm cov nyiaj uas raug lwm tus nyiag ntawd.
Ces lawv txheeb tau tias cov tub kawm pej kum haiv thiab cov neeg ev hnab ntoj ncig teb chaws ntawm ntau haiv neeg yog cov raug tej lagluam ntau yam them nyiaj hauj lwm rau lawv yam tsis raws li qhov tsim nyog. Laurie Berg tau qhia rau tsev nthuav xov xwm SBS tias, " ib tug ntwam 3 tug tub kawm pej kum haiv yeej tsuas khwv tau nyiaj ib nrab ntawm tej nyiaj minimum wage xwb thiab yeej muaj tej tub kawm no coob tus tau ua hauj lwm nrog tej lus zoj khi lawv uas txhaum tej cai ntiav dag zog."
Txawm muaj ntau yam lagluam raug cov teeb meem no los cov lagluam tos txais qhua thiab de zaub de txiv yog cov uas them nyiaj tsawg tshaj plaws rau tej ub kawm pej kum haiv thiab cov neeg ev hnab ntoj ncig teb chaws, raws li Ms Berg tau qhia.
Ms Berg qhia tias "Cov neeg ua hauj lwm tuaj ntawm cov teb chaws Asia li China, Taiwan, thiab Vietnam khwv tau nyiaj tsawg dua cov tuam ntawm cov teb chaws North America, Ireland thiab UK (United Kingdom-Askiv),” Ms Berg qhia.
“Tab sis txawm yog li ntawd los lawv yeej txheeb tau tias ntau haiv neeg pej kum uas yog cov neeg ev hnab ntoj ncig teb chaws thiab tej tub kawm pej kum haiv tuaj kawm ntawd ntawm teb chaws Australia no yog cov uas khwv tau nyiaj tsawg tshaj qhov tsim nyog lawm. Vim muaj yam tsawg li 1 tug ntawm 5 tug neeg Americans, British, Indians, Brazilians thiab neeg Suv (Chinese) yeej tsuas khwv tau nyiaj ib nrab ntawm cov nyiaj minimum wage (AUD 18.29) xwb, thiab yeej muaj ib txhia neeg raug cov teeb meem no ntau dua lwm haiv neeg."![10622bcb-a632-4df6-9342-a59f4bb11575_1519637803.png?itok=IsqDZq0C&mtime=1519637977](https://www.sbs.com.au/radio/sites/sbs.com.au.radio/files/styles/body_image/public/10622bcb-a632-4df6-9342-a59f4bb11575_1519637803.png?itok=IsqDZq0C&mtime=1519637977&imwidth=1280)
Yuav nrhiav kev pab cuam li cas:
Lub koom haum Fair Work Ombudsman lub vas sab (Website) The yeej muaj ntau yam xov xwm qhia txog tej nyiaj tej tswv lagluam yuav tau them rau tej neeg ua hauj lwm, tej nyiaj tsim nyog tej neeg ua hauj lwm tau, tej kev thov so thiab lwm yam ua 40 hom lus pab rau tej neeg sawv daws.
Yog koj xav nrog ib tug twg ntwm lub koom haum no tham ces koj hu rau tus zauv xov tooj 13 13 29 teem caij kom cov neeg txhais lus pab koj. Thiab yog muaj tej tswv lagluam ib tug twg them nyiaj tsis ncaj rau koj es ho xav qhia rau nom tswv paub yam tsis tas qhia tias koj yog leej twg ces nyem tau ntawm nod .
Koj tsis tas yuav txhawj tias tsam koj qhia nom tswv lawm es tej tswv lagluam yuav tsis pub visa rau koj siv.
Mark Lee uas yog tus tswj cov kev nthuav xov xwm ntawm lub koom haum tau qhia tias “Peb muaj peev xwm qhia meej tseeb rau tej neeg sawv daws paub tia, yog muaj ib tug twg tawm los qhia qhov tseeg txog tej xwm txheej tau tshwm sim ntawm lawv tej chaw ua hauj lwm rau peb paub, thiab ho tau koom tes nrog peb mus txheeb xyuas tej teeb meem no, ces peb xav qhia rau sawv daws paub tias yuav tsis muaj teeb meem cuam tshuam txog lawv cov visa dab tsi li."
Yog koj xav tau xov xwm kom ntxaws ntxiv ces mus txheeb xyuas tau ntawm The Fair Work Ombudsman lub vas sab (website) tau, los sis hua xov tooj 13 13 94 nrog lub koom haum no tham tau.![57dc1b6d-133a-47b0-8bc5-aa86d5720996_1505543172.jpeg?itok=jaZftZly&mtime=1505543667](https://www.sbs.com.au/radio/sites/sbs.com.au.radio/files/styles/thumb_small/public/57dc1b6d-133a-47b0-8bc5-aa86d5720996_1505543172.jpeg?itok=jaZftZly&mtime=1505543667&imwidth=1280)
Settlement Guide: Koj muaj cai dab tsi tom tej chaw ua hauj lwm?
Yog tej yam tseem ceeb uas cov neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw (migrants) thiab tej pej xeem Australia yuav tsum tau paub txog lawv txoj cai tam li yog ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm hauv teb chaws Australia thiab kom paub cej luam qhia tej xwm txheej no rau nom tswv paub yog lawv raug lwm tus yuam siv dag zog yam tsis raug kev raug cai.![job_search_-_aap.jpg?itok=BUizheSM&mtime=1507859412](https://www.sbs.com.au/radio/sites/sbs.com.au.radio/files/styles/thumb_small/public/job_search_-_aap.jpg?itok=BUizheSM&mtime=1507859412&imwidth=1280)
Settlement Guide: Cov tswv yim pab kom tej tswv lagluam hu koj mus interview kom tau hauj lwm ua hauv tebchaws Australia.
Cov neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw nyuam qhuav tuaj nyob tshiab hauv teb chaws Australia yog cov nrhiav tsis tshua tau hauj lwm ua yog piv rau cov neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaws uas yug hauv teb chaws Australia no. Yog li cov neeg pag tej neeg nrhiav hauj lwm ua thiaj hais tias qhov teeb meem loj tshaj plaws yog tej neeg no tsis muaj peev xwm yuav ua kom muaj tej tswv lagluam hu lawv mus interview vim lawv yeej kawm ntawv siab thiab paub ua hauj lwm tab sis yeej tsis muaj neeg hu lawv mus interview kom tau hauj lwm ua li. Yog li ne ho yog cov tswv yim dab tsi thiaj yuav pab kom cov neeg nrhiav hauj lwm ua raug hu mus interview?
Settlement Guide: Cov Sob kawm ntawv Askiv dawb (Free English classes) coj los pab cov neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw (migrants) nrhiav hauj lwm ua hauv teb chaws Australia.
Kev nrhiav kom tau ib txoj hauj lwm ua tseem ceeb heev rau cov neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw tuaj nyob rau teb chaws Australia. Tab sis tej neeg no yuav tsum tau paub siv lus thiab siv ntawv Askiv (English) zoo. Yog li cov kev tau kawm lus Askiv yooj yooj yim thiaj yuav pab tau lawv nrhiav tau hauj lwm ua.