Yog koj xav tawm tswv yim dab tsi txog cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob ces xav kom koj yuav tsum hais raws qhov tseeb uas muaj pov thawj tim khawv qhia tau tiag xwb. Ntawm nod yog qee yam uas tsim nyog koj paub txog:
Yeej txhais tsis tau tias cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob txhua tus yuav cog cov neeg pw txom nyem ntsuav.
Muaj tshaj 100,000 tawm tus neeg yog cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob hauv teb chaws Australia. Ntau xyoo tsis ntev los no, muaj cov neeg no coob tuaj ntxiv txog 60% uas pheej yuav tau mus pw hauv lawv tej tsheb thiab muaj txog li 46% yog cov mus qev lwm tus tsev nyob ib ntus. Hos cov pw tom tej tshav puam tsis tau tsev nyob tsuas muaj txog li 6% xwb.
Muaj yuav laug txog li ib nrab ntawm cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob no yog cov hluas.
42% ntawm cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob hauv teb chaws Australia muaj hnoob nyoog qes dua 25 xyoos. Thiab ntawm cov hluas no tseem muaj ib txhia ntawm cov hluas no los yog 17% tseem muaj hnoob nyoog yau tshaj 12 xyoos, 10% yog cov muaj hnoob nyoog txij 12 xyoos txog 18 xyoos thiab muaj 15% yog cov muaj hnoob nyoog 18 txog 24 xyoos.![Homeless Woman Getty Images 143922926](https://images.sbs.com.au/drupal/yourlanguage/public/812a886b-80d3-413d-9140-37c0bc47256f_1502243846.jpeg?imwidth=1280)
![Homeless Woman Getty Images 143922926](https://images.sbs.com.au/drupal/yourlanguage/public/812a886b-80d3-413d-9140-37c0bc47256f_1502243846.jpeg?imwidth=1280)
Source: Getty Images
Muaj teeb meem tsis muaj vaj tse txaus nyob thiab cov teeb meem kub ntxhov hauv cuab yig.
Cov laj thawj tseem ceeb ua rau tej neeg tsis tau vaj tse nyob yog vim tsis muaj vaj tse txaus rau tej neeg yuav nyob los yog muaj peev xwm ntiav tau nyob muaj txog 45% diam hos muaj txog 26% tsis tau tsev nyob twb yog vim tej teeb meem kub txhov tsis sib haum xeeb hauv lub cuab yig. 12% yog lwm yam laj thawj (reasons) li teeb meem nyiaj txiag, teeb meem kev nkauj nraug (8%) thiab teeb meem rau lawv lub cev, kev nyuaj siab ntxhov plawv thiab quav yaj yeeb txhaum cai muaj txog li 3% uas ua rau tej hluas tsis muaj vaj tse nyob.
Ntxiv ntawm cov laj thawj tseem ceeb ua rau cov neeg yuav laug txog 200,000 tus tsis tau vaj tse nyob twb yog vim tej vaj tse hauv Australia no kim heev tsis muaj peev xwm yuav tau nyob los yog ntiav tau nyob, ces thiaj ua rau tej neeg no yuav tau teev zwm npe nrog tsoom hwv kom tau cov tsev zej tsoom (Public Housing) nyob xwb. Cov nqe ntiav cov tsev appartment muaj ib chav pw xwb twg kim txog 350$ rau ib limpiam ntawm nroog Melbourne lawm thiab raug tus nqe $480 rau ib lim piam twg hauv nroog Sydney. Vim li no thiaj ua rau cov cuab yig neeg txom nyem tsis muaj peev xwm yuav ntiav tau tsev nyob.
Tsis tas li no muaj cov poj niam tshaj ib nrab uas yog cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob los twb vim yog muaj teeb meem kub ntxhov tsis haum xeeb hauv lub cuab yig los cuam tshuam.
Muaj ib feem plaub ntawm cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob yog Australia cov keeb cag neeg (Neeg txum tim: Australia native people) li cov neeg Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Txawm tais Australia cov keeb cag neeg tsuas muaj coob txog li 3% ntawm tag rho Australia cov pej xeem xwb los yeej muaj txog 24% ntawm cov keeb cag neeg no yog tau thov kev pab cuam pab rau cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob tsaib no diam.![Giving homeless women sanitary products along with dignity](https://images.sbs.com.au/drupal/yourlanguage/public/ec3bf038-9a51-436e-b966-0da509b73aa7_1502244214.jpeg?imwidth=1280)
![Giving homeless women sanitary products along with dignity](https://images.sbs.com.au/drupal/yourlanguage/public/ec3bf038-9a51-436e-b966-0da509b73aa7_1502244214.jpeg?imwidth=1280)
A homeless girl begs on a street in Sydney on May 12, 2014. Source: Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images
Muaj ntau haiv neeg coj ntseeg kev cai dab qhuas sib txawv thiab hais ntau hom lus tsis sib thooj yog cov tsis muaj vaj tse nyob coob tuaj ntxiv lawm.
Catherine Yeomans uas yog tus coj lub koom Mission Australia uas pab cuam zej tsoom qhia tias muaj ntau haiv neeg coj ntseeg kev cai dab qhuas sib txawv thiab hais ntau hom lus tsis sib thooj yog cov tsis muaj vaj tse nyob coob tuaj ntxiv lawm.
Nws tau siv cov zauv txheeb pej xeem xyoo 2011 qhia tias "Txawm yog lub caij ntawd los yeej muaj ze txog li 13,000 tus ntawm cov neeg yug txawv teb chaws uas tuaj nyob tebchaws Australia no yeej nyob sib txev qev xwb, thiab muaj yuav laug txog ib nrab ntawm cov neeg no yog cov tau tuaj nyob teb chaws Australia no 5 lub xyoos dhau los no thiab muaj txog 2 feem 3 ntawm cov neeg tssi muaj vaj tse nyob no yog cov tau tuaj nyob rau teb chaws Australia 10 lub xyoo dhau los lawm."
Cov neeg tuaj nyob hauv Australia uas tsis muaj vaj tse thiab tau mus thov kev pab cuam yog tuaj ntawm cov teb chaws New Zealand, Sudan, Askiv (The United Kingdom: UK), Nyab laj (Vietnam), Iran thiab Suav tuam tshoj (China) coob tshaj.
"Cov cuab yig muaj neeg nyob coob sib txiv qev ces yeej yog cov neeg txom nyem los yog muaj ntau yim neeg los sib koom nyob ua ke"
Tsis tas li no nws tseem hais ntxiv tias tsuas muaj tsawg dua li 10% ntawm cov neeg thoj nam tawg tsov tawg rog thiab thov tau nom tswv cov tsev (Public housing) nyob rau lub sij hawm ib xyoos rau hli uas lawv tuaj nyob ua lub neej tshiab ntawm teb chaws Australia no xwb.
Lawv yog cov neeg yuav ntsib teb meem pheej hmoo tau sai tshaj plaws thiab.
Txawm tias muaj txiv neej txog 56% yog cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob tab sis cov poj niam hnoob nyoog tshaj 44 xyoos yog cov ntiav tsev nyob thiab nyob ib leeg thiab tseem yog cov yuav tsis tau vaj tse nyob coob sai heev tuaj ntxiv lawm.
“Tos ho zoo li no los twb vim yog hauv cov poj niam lub neej ces lawv yeej tsis tau ua hauj lwm full time ntev li txiv neej thiab yog cov ua hauj lwm part-time los yog casual ntau xwb. Vim lawv tseem yog cov yuav tau tawm hauj lwm los so tu lawv tsev neeg tsis hais me nyuam tub se, vaj tse thiab tu lwm tus" Raws li Yeomans tau hais.
"Ntxiv ntawd los, lawv tseem txom nyem nyiaj txiag siv thiab ces thiaj ua rau lawv tsis muaj peev xwm yuav tau tsev nyob, thiab lawv yog cov neeg twb muaj hnoob nyoog tshaj 40 los yog 50 tawm xyoo uas yuav tau mus ntiav tsev nyob tab sis lawv twb tsis muaj peev xwm ntiav tau nyob lawm thiab ces thiaj li ua rau lawv yuav ntsib teeb meem thiab ras los ua cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob."![Soup Kitchen](https://images.sbs.com.au/drupal/yourlanguage/public/7db32415-e5a5-451e-8a14-4a56049f9291_1502244036.jpeg?imwidth=1280)
![Soup Kitchen](https://images.sbs.com.au/drupal/yourlanguage/public/7db32415-e5a5-451e-8a14-4a56049f9291_1502244036.jpeg?imwidth=1280)
Soup kitchens and food vans are one of the main sources of meals for those without a permanent home. Source: Getty Images
Muaj neeg coob zuj zus ntxiv tuaj mus thov kev pab cuam lawm.
Tsaib no xwb twb muaj cov nce tuaj ntxiv txog 9% tau mus thov kev pab cuam los ntawm cov koom haum pab cuam rau tej neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob lawm.
Yog tias zaj xov xwm no ua rau koj txhawj xeeb thiab koj xav nrog ib tug twg tham ces koj hua mus rau lub koom haum no tus zauv xov tooj yog 13 11 14 los yog nyem ntawm nod thiab txheeb lawv lub vam sab ntxiv. Yog koj xav tau xov xwm txog cov kev pab cuam tej neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob los ntwm lub koom haum St Vincent De Paul, ces nyem ntawm nod los yog nyem ntwm nod yog tias koj xav thov kev pab cuam los ntawm au lub koom haum Salvation Army.
Mloog tau xov xwm ua lus Hmoob ntxiv raws li cov vam sab hauv qab no:
Thiab mus saib cov xov xwm uas cov neeg muaj txiaj nplua nuj neeg ua lagluam tau mus pw tom tshav puam ua lub neej li cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob tias seb lawv ho xav li cas thiab kawm tau dab tsi los ntawm cov neeg tssi muaj vaj tse nyob li hauv qab no nrog rau lwm yam xov xwm cuam tshuam txog cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob ntxiv.
a three-part documentary series, explores the experience of homelessness as five wealthy Australians swap their privileged lifestyles for 10 days and nights living on the streets of Melbourne. Watch it on SBS Viceland 8.30pm Thursdays starting August 17, or see the full series now on .
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