** Il Victoria registra la giornata con più vittime nell’attuale focolaio di COVID-19
** Un anno dopo la commissione reale d’inchiesta, I sopravvissuti agli incendi e gli attivisti del clima invocano azioni urgenti
Il tasso di decessi per COVID-19 continua a salire nel Victoria, dopo che lo Stato ha registrato il record giornaliero di vittime dal virus.
Lo Stato ha registrato 1.923 casi di COVID-19 e 25 decessi – il più alto numero di morti dell’attuale ondata di infezioni.
I nuovi numeri mostrano che circa il 77 per cento degli abitanti del Victoria sopra i 16 anni sono completamente vaccinati.
Il Premier Daniel Andrews ha dichiarato che l’allentamento delle restrizioni di venerdì e il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo 80 per cento di vaccinazioni è significativo.
Venerdì sera assisteremo alla riapertura di negozi, cinema e teatri, cambiamenti alle regole sull’uso delle mascherine e viaggi regionali.
"The rules simply change at 6pm and I would ask people to respect that. People are going to be able to go away and see family for the first time in a long time. People are going to go and spend up big (spend money) in regional Victoria. Perhaps there will be a lot of regional Victorians come to Melbourne and support small and large businesses here. This is a massive day tomorrow. It is a really significant step. Then we can take an even bigger step in collapsing some rules down to just two - the vaccinated economy and some masks in some settings once we get to 90 per cent."
Gli ultimi numeri arrivano mentre le autorità mettono in guardia sull’alto rischio di casi di asma causati da un temporale nel sud-ovest dello Stato, mentre Melbourne potrebbe venire coinvolta in maniera moderata.
Il New South Wales ha registrato 293 casi acquisiti localmente di COVID-19 da 89.000 tamponi.
Il ministero della Sanità dello Stato ha inoltre riportato due decessi collegati al COVID-19.
I nuovi numeri mostrano che il 93.3 per cento della popolazione sopra i 16 anni ha ricevuto una dose di vaccino e l’86 per cento ne ha ricevute due dosi.
Il gruppo consultivo di punta sui vaccini in Australia ha finalizzato il suo parere sull’approvazione formale della vaccinazione di richiamo per il COVID-19.
L’Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation ha consegnato il suo rapporto finale al governo federale.
Il professor Allen Cheng , membro dell’ATAGI, ha dichiarato che un annuncio sull’approvazione del richiamo era imminente.
La decisione di lanciare il programma di richiamo in tutto il Paese dipende dal parere dell’ATAGI.
Il dottor Omar Khorshid, presidente dell’Australian Medical Association, ha dichiarato a SBS News che si tratta di uno sviluppo particolarmente benvenuto.
"It is particularly good news for frontline health workers, particularly in Victoria and New South Wales, who are feeling exposed at the moment, having been vaccinated some time ago and potentially facing reducing immunity but still potentially exposed to Covid in their workplace. I think they are keen for this booster program to start and I think we as Australians are as well. We know this is part of our way to live with Covid and protect our community into the future."
** Victoria records its deadliest day of the current COVID-19 outbreak
** A year since a major royal commission, bushfire survivors and climate advocates call for urgent action
COVID-19 death rates continue to increase in Victoria, after the state registered a one-day record for virus fatalities.
The state recorded 1,923 COVID-19 cases and 25 deaths - that is the highest daily death toll from the current outbreak.
New figures also show around 77 per cent of Victorians aged 16 and over are now fully vaccinated.
Premier Daniel Andrews says Friday's easing of restrictions and hitting the 80 per cent vaccination target is significant.
Friday night will see the reopening of retail, cinemas and theatres, changes to mask rules and regional travel.
"The rules simply change at 6pm and I would ask people to respect that. People are going to be able to go away and see family for the first time in a long time. People are going to go and spend up big (spend money) in regional Victoria. Perhaps there will be a lot of regional Victorians come to Melbourne and support small and large businesses here. This is a massive day tomorrow. It is a really significant step. Then we can take an even bigger step in collapsing some rules down to just two - the vaccinated economy and some masks in some settings once we get to 90 per cent."
The latest figures come as authorities warn there's a high risk of a thunderstorm asthma event in the state's southwest, while Melbourne may be moderately affected.
New South Wales has recorded 293 locally acquired cases of COVID-19 from 89,000 tests.
The state's health department also reported another two deaths linked to COVID-19.
New figures show 93.3 per cent of people aged 16 and over have had one dose of a vaccine; and 86 per cent of people have had two doses.
Australia's peak vaccine advisory group has finalised its advice on whether to formally approve COVID-19 booster shots.
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation delivered its final report to the federal government.
ATAGI member Professor Allen Cheng says an announcement on the booster approval was imminent.
The decision to roll out the booster shots across the country is dependent on ATAGI advice.
Australian Medical Association president Doctor Omar Khorshid told SBS it is a very welcome development.
"It is particularly good news for frontline health workers, particularly in Victoria and New South Wales, who are feeling exposed at the moment, having been vaccinated some time ago and potentially facing reducing immunity but still potentially exposed to Covid in their workplace. I think they are keen for this booster program to start and I think we as Australians are as well. We know this is part of our way to live with Covid and protect our community into the future."
Report by Peggy Giakoumelos