Ep.187: Il notiziario di SBS Italian

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews addresses the media during a press conference in Melbourne, Tuesday, October 5, 2021.(AAP Image/James Ross) NO ARCHIVING

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews addresses the media during a press conference in Melbourne. Source: AAP

Il giornale radio di SBS Italian, letto lentamente.


** Il primo ministro presenta in parlamento federale il suo atteso disegno di legge sulla discriminazione religiosa

** Il Victoria raggiunge l’obiettivo del 90% di vaccinazione con doppia dose 


Il primo ministro Scott Morrison ha presentato in parlamento federale il disegno di legge del suo governo rivisitato sulla discriminazione religiosa. 

La controversa legislazione era stata dapprima creata in occasione del sondaggio sul matrimonio tra persone dello stesso sesso nel 2017, ed era stata promessa dalla Coalizione alle elezioni del 2018.

Ma il progetto di legge è stato criticato da entrambe le fazioni, con la preoccupazione per alcuni che non faccia abbastanza per proteggere i credenti, mentre altri ritengono che sia svantaggioso per altre protezioni da discriminazioni, specialmente contro persone LGBTQI+. 

Il primo ministro Scott Morrison ha dichiarato in parlamento che il disegno di legge tapperà i buchi nelle leggi statali in materia e fornirà protezione per i credenti in tutta la nazione. 

"This bill is balanced and thoughtful. It does not take from the rights and freedoms of others, Mr Speaker. We do not seek to set one group of Australians against another, because to do so would diminish us all. It strengthens important freedoms that have been buffeted over recent years. The bill honours the mandate we have from the Australian people to protect Australians of faith and religion against discrimination. " 


Il Victoria ha registrato 1,254 nuovi casi di COVID-19, e cinque decessi ulteriori. 

Ci sono 10,276 casi attivi di COVID nel Victoria, di cui 310 in ospedale. 

Lo Stato ha ora raggiunto il 90 per cento delle persone dai 12 anni in sù completamente vaccinate. 

Il premier Daniel Andrews ha ringraziato tutti i  cittadini del Victoria che si sono vaccinati contro il coronavirus e continuano a farlo. 

"I would also say that with about 94% of people at least first dosed, we are well on track to get to that what has been described by some as that magic 95% number. What that'll mean is that we are without any doubt one of the most vaccinated and therefore one of the safest places anywhere in the world." 


Il South Australia ha registrato un altro nuovo caso di COVID-19, dopo che un viaggiatore è entrato nello Stato da Sydney. 

È il secondo caso positivo nel South Australia dall’allentamento delle restrizioni al confine martedì per le persone completamente vaccinate. 

Una ragazza del Victoria è risultata positiva martedì ad Adelaide, dopo aver viaggiato dalla cittadina di confine di Nhill per fare visita a parenti. 

I funzionari sanitari non hanno reso noto alcun dettaglio sul nuovo caso, a parte alcuni siti a rischio esposizione, tra cui un volo della Qantas che è atterrato ad Adelaide mercoledì mattina.


** The Prime Minister introduces his long-awaited religious discrimination bill to the Federal Parliament 

** Victoria hits its 90 per cent double dose vaccination target


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has introduced his Government's revised religious discrimination bill to the Federal Parliament. 

The controversial legislation was first raised in the wake of the 2017 same-sex marriage survey and was promised by the Coalition at the 2018 election. 

But the draft laws are facing criticism on all sides, with some concerned they don't go far enough to protect people of faith, while others argue they come at the expense of other protections from discrimination , particularly against LGBTQI-plus people. 

Prime Minister Morrison has told the parliament the bill will plug gaps in relevant state-based laws and provide protections for those of faith at the commonwealth level. 

"This bill is balanced and thoughtful. It does not take from the rights and freedoms of others, Mr Speaker. We do not seek to set one group of Australians against another, because to do so would diminish us all. It strengthens important freedoms that have been buffeted over recent years. The bill honours the mandate we have from the Australian people to protect Australians of faith and religion against discrimination. " 


Victoria has recorded 1,254 new cases of COVID-19, and five further deaths. 

There are 10,276 active COVID cases in Victoria, with 310 in hospital. 

The state has now reached 90 per cent of those aged 12 and above fully vaccinated. 

The Premier Daniel Andrews has thanked all those Victorians who have been and continue to get vaccinated against coronavirus. 

"I would also say that with about 94% of people at least first dosed, we are well on track to get to that what has been described by some as that magic 95% number. What that'll mean is that we are without any doubt one of the most vaccinated and therefore one of the safest places anywhere in the world." 


South Australia has recorded another new case of COVID-19, after a traveller from Sydney entered the state. 

It's the second positive case in South Australia since border restrictions were lifted for fully vaccinated people on Tuesday. 

A Victorian girl tested positive on Tuesday in Adelaide after travelling from the border town of Nhill to visit relatives. 

Health authorities haven't released any details of the new case, except for a number of exposure sites, including a Qantas flight that landed in Adelaide on Wednesday morning. 

Report by Peggy Giakoumelos  
