Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested in Pakistan in March 2016. A court found him guilty of spying and sentenced him to death - something that the Indian government has appealed against, at the International Court of Justice.
The Pakistani government allowed Kulbhushan Jadhav's mother and wife to meet him for the first time on December 25, on the occasion of their founding father Mohd Ali Jinnah's birthday.
But Ms Swaraj slammed this as mere opportunity for propaganda and the furthest thing from a goodwill gesture. According to Ms Swaraj, there was "no goodwill" in how Jadhav's mother and wife were treated - they were forced to change into other clothes and remove their traditional bindi, bangles and mangalsutra.
Click on the audio link above and listen to what Ms Swaraj said in parliament on Thursday December 28.
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