Key Points
- O le Australia Day e faamanantu ai le aso na sisiina ai le fu'a a Peretania i Sydney Cove i Sini i le 1788 e faailogaina ai le avea o Ausetalia ma atunu'u i lalo o pulega a Peretania.
- O le Aso 26 Ianuari e faamanatu ai le aso tonu o le amataga o pulega kolone a Peretania i Ausetalia, ma o se aso e fa'atiga manatu i tagata muamua Aboriginal ma Torees Straits.
- I se su'esu'ega a polls, o loo faaalia ai le manana'o o le to'atele o tagata e fa'aauau ona avea le Aso 16 Ianuari ma Australia Day.
O le Aso 26 o Ianuari, le aso aloa'ia o le Australia Day, le aso faapitoa o le atunu'u. Peita'i mo tagata muamua, ma nisi o tagatanu'u i Ausetalia nei, e le o se aso latou te fia faamanatuina.
Na faaalia e Boe Spearim, o se tagata Gamilaraay, Kooma, ma Murrawari, e pei o se aso o se maliu lenei aso ia te ia.
“For me, once I get to the day, the morning, it feels like I'm going to a funeral. I know something bad has happened. It's a very sombre feeling.”
Aisea e faamanatu ai le Australia Day i le Aso 26 o Ianuari?
O le Aso 26 Ianuari, 1788, na sisi ai le fu'a a Peretania le Union Jack flag i Sydney Cove, ma amata ai pulega kolone a Peretania i Ausetalia.
Na amata faamanatuina le Australia Day i le Aso 26 o Ianuari mai le 1935, ae faato'a avea ma so malolo i le atunu'u i le 1994.
O nisi o tagatanu'u Ausetalia e faamanatuina i se BBQ ma uo ma aiga, tafaoga i le matafaga. O le tele o sauniga e avea ai ma sitiseni Ausetalia e faia i le aso lea.
Peita'i o le Aso 26 o Ianuari o loo ta'ua e nisi o tagata muamua, e pei o se aso o faanoanoaga talu mai le tausaga 1938. Ua amata ona leotele le mau mai tagatanu'u e suia le aso faamanatu, ma se aso malolo e faia i seisi aso e 'ese mai le Aso 26 o Ianuari.

Invasion Day Rally in Brisbane, 2024 Source: AAP / JONO SEARLE
Aisea e avea ai ma se o faanoanoaga i tagata muamua?
Na faaalia e Dr Summer May Finlay, o se fafine Yorta Yorta ma o se faia'oga i le University of Wollongong, o le Aso 26 o Ianuari, o se aso na amata ai mafatiaga o tagata Aboriginal ma atumotu Torres Straits.
“It’s the start of racism, it's the start of discrimination, it’s the start of a time where our people were disenfranchised from the community and the country that our ancestors have been walking on for 65, 000 years.”
O pulega kolone a Peretania na matua afaina ai tagata muamua i Ausetalia, i le faoa o 'ele'ele, fasiotia o le to'atele, faama'i fou na aumaia e papalagi, ma le ave'esea faamalosi oa latou fanau.
O nei a'afiaga mai pulega kolone, e aofia ai faiga faailoga lanu, a'afiaga ogaoga i le soifua maloloina, ma le to'atele atu o tagata muamua e saisaia i falepuipui, o se tulaga o loo molimauina pea i aso nei.
Na saunoa Dr Finlay i le taua ona malamalama tagata i le tala faasolopito o le atunu'u.
“I think Australia is a wonderful country in many ways. I'm sure people who come to this country and are new citizens will acknowledge and recognise that. But at the same time, we have a history in this country that isn't great and isn't particularly well-acknowledged.”
Suiga, aloa'ia pe soloia le aso faamanatu?
Ua iloa i ni su'esu'ega o le to'atele o loo manana'o e tumau le aso faamanatu i le Aso 26 o Ianuari . Peita'i, o loo malosi le vala'au mo le suia o le aso faamanatu ma le aso malolo.
E to'atele tagata muamua o loo finau e suia le aso, ae o nisi e pei o Boe Spearim, o loo finau e soloia atoa lenei aso faamanatu ma le aso malolo.
“It's about abolishing the colonial understanding that this country was settled peacefully or that what has happened to Aboriginal people shouldn't be acknowledged, when it should be. And it's just to remind rednecks and racists and the mainstream public that you can't celebrate genocide anymore, it's not ok".

People gather outside Victorian Parliament for the Invasion Day rally, 2024. Source: AAP / Diego Fedele
Auala e faamanatuina ai e nisi le Aso 26 Ianuari
O nisi o faalapotopotoga a tagata muamua o loo faamaopoopoina savali tete'e le "Invasion Day" or "Survival Day”.
Na faaalia e Dr Finlay nisi o vaega o nei savali tete'e.
“The marches are peaceful marches through the streets, as a protest. I participated in a couple of marches in Melbourne when I lived down there. And it’s a fantastic way for families to get together, whether they’re Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, whether they’re non-Indigenous families.”
O le tama'ita'i o Rana Hussain o se sui o le komiti faafoe le Reconciliation Australia, e taumafai i se so'otaga ma faaleleiga i le va o tagata muamua ma isi i le atunu'u.
“You get that sense of solidarity, and often you do get that sense of hope being with community. As allies, I think it's really important that we stand behind First Peoples as they push for changing the date or more acknowledgement of what this day actually means for them.”
O nisi o pulega faaitumalo, local councils, ua le toe faia ni sauniga faamanatu mo le Australia Day, poo ni sauniga sitiseni i le Aso 26 o Ianuari.

New Australian citizens, Broken Hill, NSW Source: AAP / STUART WALMSLEY
Auala e mafai ai e tagata aumau ona malamalama i tagata muamua
Na saunoa Mr Spearim, e mafai e tagata aumau, ae maise i latou mai atunu'u na sa'ili lafitaga mai ai ona o sauaga ma taua, ona malamalama i le tulaga o loo feagai ma tagata muamua.
“It's amazing that people come here and find some kind of peace. Since the 26 of January 1788, we have not found justice, we have not found peace".
Na saunoa fo'i Rana Hussain, o le mata'upu i le aso malolo faamanatu i le Aso 26 o Ianuari, o se mata'upu mo tagata uma i Ausetalia, e le na o tagata muamua.
“I think for a lot of people, they think that this complication and sadness and grief is only sitting with First Nation peoples, but anybody who understands the significance of that day can only feel complicated about it. And for me, being the child of Indian migrants, we have our own history of colonisation and British colonialism.”
“I think we have to have that conversation as a country, and then we can talk about what day we want to celebrate all of that history and recognise all that history and then come together. You know, what’s the appropriate day to unify all of us.”
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