SBS News in Ukrainian – 14/08/2022

SBS Ukrainian

SBS Ukrainian, 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302, every Thursday Source: SBS

Latest news from Australia and the world.

  • The man accused of stabbing author Salman Rushdie pleads not guilty
  • The Taliban break up a women's protest, marking one-year since the fall of Kabul
  • Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskyy says his country will target any Russian soldiers who shoot at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant or use it as a base to shoot from
  • Doctors are warning Australians to get vaccinated for meningococcal after at least three cases have been linked to the music festival Splendour in the Grass
Thursdays at 3 pm 3 pm FM, TV Ch. 38 and 302.

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