Cov kev ua txhaum me ntau yam hauv teb chaws Australia yog dab tsi?

Crime: Policeman gives driver a traffic ticket.

Policeman stops woman driver to give her a traffic ticket for speeding. He takes her driver's license Source: Getty Images

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Published 14 June 2019 3:28pm
Updated 14 June 2019 3:32pm
By Audrey Bourget
Presented by Vixay Vue
Source: SBS

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Tsis hais koj nyuam qhuav tuaj tshiab los yog twb tuaj nyob tau ib ntus hauv teb chaws Australia lawm, tej zaum yeej muaj ntau cov cuj pwm yuav ua rau koj ua txhaum tej cai me tau yog koj tsis paub txog tej cuj pwm no. Peb ho mus xyuas seb tej cwj pwm dab tsi yuav ua rau koj raug teeb meem tau.

Nohara Odicho yog ib tug neeg ua txoj hauj Community Engagement Officer rau lub koom haum . Nws hais tias cov kev ua txhaum me feem ntau raws li nws paub ces yog cuam tshuam txog kev tsav tsheb, piv txwv li koj siv koj cov international license mus tsav tsheb txawv teb chaws, tsis xauv koj lub tsheb thiab pheej haus luam yeeb rau tom tej chaw nres thiab tos caij tsheb ciav hlau.

Cov kev tu ib tug dev tsis teev zwm kom raug cai nrog nom tswv, cov kev pov khoom seem txheej (waste), hais lus phem rau lwm tus thiab tso koj ob txhais taw rau saum tej rooj zaum hauv tsheb ciav hlau, ces yog cov kev ua txhaum me uas tej zaum yuav ua rau koj yuav raug nom tswv ceeb toom los sis yog raug nplua tau.
Woman throwing bottle out of car window.
Woman throwing bottle out of car window. Source: Getty Images
Yog tias koj tuaj ntawm ib lub teb chaws uas coj ib cov kev cai dab qhuas thiab cai lij choj txawv Australia cov, ces tej zaum koj yuav yog cov neeg uas yuav ua txaum rau tej kev ua txhaum me ntau yam li tau hais los saum toj no.

Florence Montalvo Cruz uas yog ib tug kws lij choj pab tej cuab yig ntawm lub koom haum the  hais tias:
“Muaj qee yam uas kuv txiv pheej nyiam ua rau lub caij nws mus tsham kiab tsham khw, ces muaj qee zaus nws yeej mus sim thiab saj tej txiv xyoob txiv ntoo uas tej khw ntawd muag, piv txwv li saj cov txiv grape ntawd. Kuv yeej paub tias yog thaum yus mus rau tej neeg zejzog thiab mus rau lawv tej khw muag khoom, ces yeej muaj ntau tsav neeg uas coj ntseeg kev cai dab qhuas sib txawv yeej coj tus yam ntxwv muaj ntsis sib xws li no thiab. Tab sis lawv yeej tsis to taub li tias, yog thaum lawv mus rau tom tej khw muag khoom loj li Woolworths, Coles los yog lwm lub ntawd, es yog lawv pheej sim thiab saj tej txiv uas tej khw ntawd teeb muag, ces txhais tau tias lawv nyiag tej khoom ntawd ntawm tej khw ntawd lawm."
PIcking an apple at the market
The Right Apple Source: Getty Images
Nws hais ntxiv tias lwm yam uas tej neeg yeej tsis paub tias yuav ua txhaum cov txim me, ces yog cov kev pheej tso yas suab (nkauj) mloog nrov heev rau tom lawv tsev tsis hais thaum sawv ntxov, thiab tsaus ntuj los yog tso nrov heev hauv tej tsheb, ces lawv kuj yuav raug txim tau thiab, vim nom tswv yeej muaj cai los txwv tsis pub ua li ntawd.

Nws cov kev ua hauj lwm pab cai lij choj pab rau tej cuab yig no thiaj ua rau nws pom tau tias ib cov teeb meem uas pom muaj ntau tshaj plaws yog tej me nyuam ntawm ib yim neeg twg pheej tsis mus kawm ntawv.
"Tej niam txiv coob leej ntau tus yeej tsis paub tias tej no yog ib cov teeb meem loj heev. Vim yog ib tug me nyuam twg tsis mus kawm ntawv ces, tej niam txiv yuav yog cov txhaum thiab lub tuam chav lis laj fai tswj kev kawm nrog rau lub tuam chav pab tej cuab yig thiab pab zej tsoom yuav muaj kev cuam tshuam rau tej cuab yig ntawd."
Schoolboy sitting on sofa playing with games console Source: Getty Images
Thiab yog thaum koj tau ua txhaum cov txim me no lawm, ces tej zaum nom tswv yuav xa ntawv tuaj nplua koj thiab tej zaum koj yuav poob nyiaj ntau txheeb dollars, tab sis tej zaum kuj tsuas raug ceeb toom kom koj tsis txhob ua ntxiv lawm xwb.

Yog li ntawd yog thaum koj raug nplua thiab ho them tsis taus tej nqe nplua no lawm los, ho tsis txhob txhawj thiab, vim yeej muaj cov hauv kev ntau yam pab rau koj thiab.
Montalvo Cruz tshab txhais tias “Lub koom haum pab cuam cai lij choj hu ua Legal Aid yeej muaj ib cov hauj lwm rau tej neeg ua txhaum cai me no mus ua pab rau tej neeg zejzog coj los pauj lub txim los yog pauj tej nyiaj uas lawv yuav tau them rau cov kev raug nplua ntawd thiab."
Tsis tas li no los tseem muaj qee cov kev ua txhaum me uas nom tswv yuav teev zwm koj npe tseg tias koj tau ua txhaum tej cai no thiab.

Yog li ntawd thiaj xav kom koj kub siab mus thov kev pab cuam los ntawm tej kws lij choj kom sai li sai tau rau lub caij koj ua txhaum cov kev txhaum cai me li tau hais los saum toj no.

Odicho hais tias xav kom koj mus thov kev pab cuam cai lij choj pub dawb ntawm lub koom haum Legal Aid ntawm tej zejzog koj nyob ntawd.
Senior woman getting legal advice
Senior woman getting advice Source: Getty Images
Odicho hais tias “Thaum koj mob ces yeej tau mus ntsib kws kho mob, thaum tsheb puas ces coj mus rau tej neeg kho tsheb pab kho, thiab thaum koj ua txhaum cai lawm yuav tsum tau mus cuag kws lij choj pab. Tej zaum tej neeg feem ntau yeej hais tias tsis yog teeb meem loj dab tsi vim tsuas yog tej yam me me thiab yog cov kev raug nplua los yog cuam tshuam txog ib cov contract twg xwb, los sis yog muaj me ntsi teeb meem cuam tshuam txog teej kawm thiab yus tej me nyuam xwb, thiab yus yeej tsis xav kom lwm tus raus tes nrog ces tsis tas mus cuag kws lij choj li. Tab sis yog tias koj kub siab mus ntsib thiab cuag kws lij choj kom ntxov li ntxov tau ces tej zaum koj yuav muaj ntau txoj xub ke los nrog daws tej teeb meem no dua."
Txhua tsav yam uas koj qhia rau koj tus kws lij choj no yeej yuav tsis lam raug coj mus qhia rau lwm tus paub li.
Montalvo Cruz hais tias: “Yeej muaj ntau zaus uas tej neeg tseem txhawj tias tsam tej neeg zejzog yuav paub thiab taug xaiv txog lawv tej teeb meem rau tej zejzog paub. Tab sis yeej tsis muaj li hais no, yog thaum yus mus cuag kws lij choj lawm ces txawm tias lawv pab pub dawb rau yus xwb, los lawv yeej tsis muaj cai yuav coj yus tej teeb meem mus tham qhia rau lwm tus paub thiab."
Backpacker's feet resting on seat in train
Source: Getty Images
Yog thaum koj mus ntsib thiab cuag kws lij choj es tsis paub lus Aaskiv zoo thiab xav tau neeg txhais lus ua koj hom lus rau koj ua koj hom lus ntawd, ces koj yuav tsum tau qhia kom lub chaw pab cuam cai lij choj zej zog (Local Legal Aid) ntawd nrhiav cov neeg txhais lus pab rau koj.

Yog tias koj xav paub txog tej cai lij choj uas siv tswj hwm rau thaj chaw koj nyob ntawd, ces lub koom haum ntawm lub xeev koj nyob yeej muaj ib cov xov xwm hauv online rau mus saib mus nyeem tau, tsis tas li no lawv tseem muaj workshops thiab cov information session qhia txog cai lij choj pub rau zej tsoom sawv daws thiab.

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