- አገር በቀል የሕክምና መድኃኒቶች
- አገር በቀል የሕክምና መድብሎች ጥበቃ ፋይዳዎች
- ጥንታዊ የሕክምና መድብሎችን አሰባሳቢ ተቋም የመመሥረት አስፈላጊነት
Kniphofia foliosa (ASphodelaceae) in Tigray, Ethiopia - Kniphofia foliosa (ASPHODELACEAE) is an Ethiopian medicinal plant with antimalarial properties and very little host cell toxicity. It has long been used in Ethiopia's traditional medicine for treating abdominal cramps and wound healing. Credit: Veronique DURRUTY/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
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