This lesson is designed for easy-level learners (Toom sob kawm no raug tsim coj los qhia rau cov neeg tseem nyuam qhuav pib kawm theem yooj yim. This lesson is designed for easy-level learners).
In this episode, we practice saying the following phrases (Nyob rau toom sob kawm no ces peb yuav xyaum cov sob lus li hauv qab no):
- What day do the bins get emptied? (Hnub twg mam thauj thoob seem txheej/thoob khib nyiab?).
- Which bin goes out tonight? (Yuav cab lub thoob seem txheej/thoob khib nyiab twg?).
- There are activities at the community centre. (Muaj ntau yam rau sawv daws koom ntawm zejzog lub koom haum).
- Our library has English classes. (Peb tej chaw khaws ntawv muaj tej chav qhia ntawv Askiv).
Host: Sandy Greenwood
Written by: Sonia Saraullo
Graphic Design: Yudai Urushima
Sound Design: Mickey Grossman
Music Composition: Adam Hulbert
Produced by: Josipa Kosanovic
Program Manager: Janine Googane