The AI Election: Will artificial intelligence influence how Australia votes?

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AI has impact some of the largest democratic elections in the world. How could it affect Australia's upcoming federal election? Source: Getty

Tej kws hais tias tej zaum Artificial Intelligence (AI) yuav ua rau muaj teeb meem rau cov kev tswj hwm democracy thiab txoj kev ntseeg siab.

Ntawm teb chaws Australia no ces yeej tseem tsis tau muaj ib co cai tsi ntsees twg siv coj los tswj cov Artificial Intelligence (AI) li.

Thiab lub caij ze ze rau qhov twg yuav txog lub caij xaiv tsa tsoom fwv teb chaws tshiab lawm, Zoe Jay Hawkins uas yog tus lwm coj uas tswj lub koom haum Tech Policy Design Institute thiaj tau hais tias zoo li twb "lig heev rau cov kev kho Australia tej cai tseem ceeb lawm'' ua ntej peb yuav mus xaiv nom.

Ces thaum kawg thiaj tsuas nyob ntawm tej neeg xaiv nom yuav txiav txim siab los txheeb tias qhov twg tseeb qhov twg cuav thaum tham txog tej xov xwm uas siv AI tsim coj los pab sib tw nrhiav suab xaiv nom xwb.

Alex Morris uas yog tus kis ntawm lub koom haum tswj Australia cov kev xaiv tsa (Australian Electoral Commission - AEC) tau hais tias ''peb yuav tau ceeb faj tab sis tsis xav kom peb ceeb dab tsi.''

"Yog yus pom tej yam dab tsis uas yus tsis tshua paub tseeb tias puas yog tiag, los sis tsis paub tias puas puas yog, ces xav kom tsis txhob coj mus faib (share) rau lwm tus ua ntej uas yus ua tib zoo txheeb qhov tseeb tso.''

Toom xov xwm kaw ua suab no peb nug tej neeg Australia seb lawv xav li cas rau cov AI rau lub caij yuav txog caij xaiv tsa tsoom fwv teb chaws xyoo 2025 no.

Yog tias koj pom ib co xov xwm (duab, yeeb yaj kiab, xov xwm uas siv AI tsim) los yog ib co xov xwm dab tsi uas tsis paub tias xyov yog li cas tiag rau lub caij ua ntej yuav muaj cov kev xaiv tsa no,
Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , , los yog . Download thiab mloog , caum Pod follw los yog lwm cov podcasts platforms (, ).
