
A picture of diversity in a group portrait of the 'Under One Son' women's group who meet every week at a community centre in Tottenham as part of a programme called ''Strengthening the Family' which works to combat domestic violence in the area. The area is part of London's Haringey borough, which has a population of 224,500 residents, almost half of them ethnic minorities. Tottenham is part of the borough which researchers at University College London recently proclaimed the most ethnically diverse in Britain-possibly all of Western Europe-with 113 ethnic groups speaking over 193 languages.The members of the group are Kosovan, black British, white British, African, Algerian, Iranian and Afro Caribbean. (Photo by Gideon Mendel/Corbis via Getty Images) Credit: Gideon Mendel/Corbis via Getty Images
最新研究表明,与男性相比,有外国口音的女性在求职时面临劣势;同时,与没有外国口音的人相比,她们也往往更难找到工作。 研究人员由此得出结论,非英语语言背景的女性面临着所谓的“双重劣势”。(点击上方收听音频)